List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Electron 23
Maximum Salary:$ 129,825.00
Average Salary:$ 57,468.41
Minimum Salary:$ 26,780.00

2008-09 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Hagan, Michael R Electronics Engineer Expert UMTRI-Engineering Research $ 129,825.00 $ 0.00
Gilbert, Mark Electronics Engineer Lead UMTRI-Engineering Research $ 95,275.00 $ 0.00
Ball, Robert C Electronics Engineer Lead LSA Physics $ 77,760.00 $ 0.00
Lee, Frank S Electronics Technician Senior Space Physics Research Lab $ 73,326.00 $ 0.00
Boprie, David L Electronics Technician Senior Space Physics Research Lab $ 66,147.00 $ 0.00
Perreault, Mark A Electronics Technician Senior Nuclear Eng and Radiological Sci $ 65,025.00 $ 65,024.96
Long, Michael Electronics Technician Senior Atm Oceanic and Space Sci. $ 62,000.12 $ 0.00
Blair, David Joseph Electronics Engineer Associate Instructional Support Services $ 61,955.92 $ 61,955.92
Cross Jr, Jesse E Electronics Technician Senior Dbn Col of Eng-Electric and Comp $ 56,849.00 $ 56,849.00
Martelli, Charles Richard Electronics Technician Senior Radiation Oncology - Ann Arbor $ 56,362.02 $ 0.00
Love, Kevin J Electronics Engineer Associate Instructional Support Services $ 55,649.88 $ 55,649.88
Simonett, Stewart G Electronics Technician Senior UMTRI-Biosciences $ 54,210.00 $ 0.00
Durka, James John Electronics Tech Intermediate LSA Chemistry $ 53,999.92 $ 41,536.74
Jahn, John Electronics Technician Senior Instructional Support Services $ 52,450.06 $ 52,450.06
Cafini, Kurt L Electronics Technician Senior Dbn CASL-Natural Sciences $ 51,117.04 $ 51,117.04
Huddleson, Daniel C Electronics Technician Senior UMTRI-Engineering Research $ 49,504.00 $ 0.00
Campbell, Michael S Electronics Technician Senior UMTRI-Engineering Research $ 48,880.00 $ 0.00
Ameel, Jon E Electronics Engineer Senior LSA Physics $ 48,550.00 $ 0.00
Deakins, Nicholas John Electronics Tech Associate Instructional Support Services $ 39,000.00 $ 39,000.00
Williams, Adam A Electronic Imaging Technician ICPSR-Archival Development $ 32,945.38 $ 0.00
Nikore, Rashmi Electronic Imaging Technician Scholarly Publishing Office $ 32,412.12 $ 0.00
Israel, Margaret C Electronic Imaging Technician Digital Library Production Svc $ 31,749.90 $ 31,749.90
Elkins, Brian James Electronic Imaging Technician Digital Library Production Svc $ 26,780.00 $ 26,780.00
Page: 1 of 1

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