List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: ERP Business Analyst 47
Maximum Salary:$ 107,084.00
Average Salary:$ 69,223.54
Minimum Salary:$ 41,000.00

2006-07 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Ayotte, Todd J ERP Business Analyst Inter MAIS Fin/Phys CPU $ 66,022.00 $ 66,022.00
White, Tena L ERP Business Analyst Inter MAIS SA CPU $ 65,856.00 $ 65,856.00
Werner, Kevin Paul ERP Business Analyst Inter MAIS HRMS CPU $ 65,774.00 $ 65,774.00
Howland, Raburn L ERP Business Analyst Inter MAIS Fin/Phys CPU $ 64,687.50 $ 29,109.38
Cromwell, Rachel Leah ERP Business Analyst Inter MAIS SA CPU $ 62,159.00 $ 62,159.00
Easthope, Joseph J ERP Business Analyst Inter MAIS SA CPU $ 62,158.00 $ 62,158.00
Vis, Ryan C ERP Business Analyst Inter MAIS Research Admin Systems $ 61,627.00 $ 61,627.00
Rose, Matthew Ray ERP Business Analyst Inter MAIS HRMS CPU $ 61,591.00 $ 61,591.00
Grikschat, John A ERP Business Analyst Inter MAIS SA CPU $ 60,702.00 $ 60,702.00
Chapman, Mandie M ERP Business Analyst Inter MAIS HRMS CPU $ 60,409.00 $ 60,409.00
Tikkanen, Brandon M ERP Business Analyst Inter MAIS HRMS CPU $ 60,210.00 $ 60,210.00
Allan, Christopher James ERP Business Analyst Inter MAIS Fin/Phys CPU $ 48,127.00 $ 48,127.00
Hurst, Erin Ann ERP Business Analyst Inter MAIS SA CPU $ 45,758.00 $ 45,758.00
Copeland, Jonathan Gardner ERP Business Analyst Inter MAIS Research Admin Systems $ 45,608.00 $ 0.00
Smith, James Caleb ERP Business Analyst Inter MAIS Research Admin Systems $ 45,000.00 $ 0.00
Harkless, Christine Elizabeth ERP Business Analyst Inter MAIS Fin/Phys CPU $ 42,500.00 $ 42,500.00
Pasinetti, Timothy J ERP Business Analyst Inter MAIS Research Admin Systems $ 41,000.00 $ 0.00
Page: 2 of 2

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