List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Data Control 13
Maximum Salary:$ 87,060.75
Average Salary:$ 50,664.10
Minimum Salary:$ 39,520.00

2022-23 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Plews, Lauren Data Control Intermediate Supr Facilities & Operations - IS $ 87,060.75 $ 0.00
Kominek, Jami Lynn Data Control Clerk Lead OUA Processing $ 57,200.00 $ 57,200.00
Lyall, Patrick Data Control Clerk Lead OUA Processing $ 57,200.00 $ 57,200.00
Vilinskaia, Maria Y Data Control Clerk Senior OUA Processing $ 52,520.00 $ 52,520.00
Zakhary, Hany A Data Control Clerk Senior OUA Processing $ 50,648.00 $ 50,648.00
Bartlett, Melissa A Data Control Clerk Inter OUA Processing $ 50,539.84 $ 50,539.84
Vendittelli, Tina I Data Control Clerk Inter OUA Processing $ 48,579.44 $ 48,579.44
Dawson, Michelle R Data Control Clerk Senior OUA Processing $ 47,840.00 $ 47,840.00
Knox, Denise N Data Control Clerk Inter OUA Processing $ 43,765.28 $ 43,765.28
Kimpel, Florian Data Control Clerk Senior OUA Processing $ 42,640.00 $ 42,640.00
Kuchumova, Yuliya Data Control Clerk Inter OUA Processing $ 40,560.00 $ 40,560.00
Laman, Pamela Data Control Clerk Inter OUA Processing $ 40,560.00 $ 40,560.00
Fyke, Luanne Data Control Clerk Inter OUA Processing $ 39,520.00 $ 39,520.00
Page: 1 of 1

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