List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Cust Svc Assistant Inter 53
Maximum Salary:$ 48,844.90
Average Salary:$ 32,149.27
Minimum Salary:$ 22,657.18

2005-06 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Stanislovaitis, Leesa A Cust Svc Assistant Inter UMH Mlabs Program $ 30,463.94 $ 0.00
Malcom, Theresa J B Cust Svc Assistant Inter Dbn Admissions $ 30,280.12 $ 30,280.12
Bozeman, Andretta M Cust Svc Assistant Inter Dbn Office of the Registrar $ 30,272.06 $ 30,272.06
Madrigal-Gilezan, Elisa Cust Svc Assistant Inter Dbn Office of the Registrar $ 30,090.06 $ 30,090.06
Douglass, Kelly M Cust Svc Assistant Inter UMH Mat-l Svcs - Warehouse Ops $ 29,911.70 $ 0.00
King, Linda G Cust Svc Assistant Inter Dbn Financial Services -Budget $ 29,599.96 $ 29,599.96
Ledingham, Kelly M Cust Svc Assistant Inter Dbn Office of Financial Aid $ 29,527.94 $ 29,527.94
Chilcutt, Vestine Y Cust Svc Assistant Inter ROSS SCH Student Services $ 29,180.06 $ 29,180.06
Stephens, Lezlie A Cust Svc Assistant Inter ROSS SCH Executive Education $ 29,051.10 $ 0.00
Wilfong, Caryl S Cust Svc Assistant Inter Dbn Financial Services -Budget $ 28,662.14 $ 28,662.14
Yarber, Wren Yvette Cust Svc Assistant Inter Dbn Office of the Registrar $ 28,600.00 $ 28,600.00
Neely, Linda M Cust Svc Assistant Inter Botanical Gardens - Arboretum $ 28,478.06 $ 0.00
Terry, Brent Cust Svc Assistant Inter UMH Mat-l Svcs - Warehouse Ops $ 28,332.20 $ 0.00
Gardner, Cynthia L Cust Svc Assistant Inter UMH Mat-l Svcs - Warehouse Ops $ 28,057.12 $ 0.00
Williams, Rachel D Cust Svc Assistant Inter Stores - Administration $ 27,549.86 $ 0.00
Cox, Renee Elizabeth Cust Svc Assistant Inter ROSS SCH Executive Education $ 26,999.96 $ 0.00
Talbott, Damon L Cust Svc Assistant Inter Career Center $ 26,786.50 $ 26,786.50
Brown, Waitzy Laure Cust Svc Assistant Inter Alumni Association $ 26,551.98 $ 0.00
Woloszyn, Valerie K Cust Svc Assistant Inter Alumni Association $ 26,551.98 $ 0.00
Lindley, Jessica Ann Cust Svc Assistant Inter Dbn Office of the Registrar $ 26,347.10 $ 26,347.10
George, Christine Elizabeth Cust Svc Assistant Inter Alumni Association $ 25,939.94 $ 0.00
Stearns, Jan A Cust Svc Assistant Inter Botanical Gardens - Arboretum $ 25,126.92 $ 12,563.50
Fritzler, Kay L Cust Svc Assistant Inter Flint Recreational Services $ 22,657.18 $ 0.00
Page: 2 of 2

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