List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Clerk inter 115
Maximum Salary:$ 48,985.04
Average Salary:$ 29,194.46
Minimum Salary:$ 21,673.60

2005-06 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 4
Name Title Department FTR GF
Boris, Katheryn A Clerk Intermediate SRC-Studies of Youth $ 48,985.04 $ 0.00
Fryc, Joyce M Clerk Intermediate FinOps Student Bus Ops $ 40,805.44 $ 40,805.44
Kittel, Linda E Clerk Intermediate Office of Financial Analysis $ 40,426.10 $ 40,426.10
Davis, Lewander G Clerk Intermediate LSA English Language - Lit. $ 39,041.86 $ 39,041.86
Weatherspoon, Dellareese Clerk Intermediate LSA UG: Comprehensive Studies $ 37,850.28 $ 37,850.28
Hofmann, Sandra L Clerk Intermediate LSA Dean: Media Services $ 36,075.00 $ 36,075.00
Block, Deborah A Clerk Intermediate Administrative Services Bureau $ 35,743.24 $ 17,871.62
Morawski, Sandra E Clerk Intermediate LSA II: Japanese Studies $ 34,970.00 $ 34,970.00
Sampson, Karen R Clerk Intermediate Div of Research Devel - Admin $ 34,512.40 $ 34,512.40
Martin, Leanne Clerk Intermediate LSA Dean: Facilities $ 34,089.90 $ 34,089.90
Hobson, Christine G Clerk Intermediate LSA History of Art $ 33,999.94 $ 34,000.00
Laubernds, Sharon A Clerk Intermediate Univ Parking Svcs-Central Camp $ 33,699.90 $ 0.00
Maggio, Elaine M Clerk Intermediate SRC-Studies of Youth $ 33,515.56 $ 0.00
Dietz, Pamela L Clerk Intermediate Digital Media Commons $ 33,373.60 $ 33,373.60
Lloyd, Sarah J Clerk Intermediate LSA Astronomy $ 33,329.92 $ 33,329.92
Laubenthal, Jeanie M Clerk Intermediate LSA Dean: Outreach Staffing $ 33,320.30 $ 29,268.02
Joy, Meggan F Clerk Intermediate LSA Comparative Literature $ 33,273.24 $ 24,955.06
Silski, Delia P Clerk Intermediate LSA English Language - Lit. $ 33,255.04 $ 33,255.04
Glenn, Judith Y Clerk Intermediate Univ Parking Svcs-Central Camp $ 33,140.12 $ 0.00
Prieur, Nick Clerk Intermediate SRC-Survey Methodology $ 33,133.10 $ 0.00
Malveaux, Sandra J Clerk Intermediate LSA Kelsey Museum/Archaeology $ 32,999.98 $ 33,000.00
Novara, Meegan A Clerk Intermediate LSA Paleontology Museum $ 32,640.40 $ 19,584.24
Selvius, Mary Dawn Clerk Intermediate Div of Research Devel - Admin $ 32,639.10 $ 24,479.26
Beeson, Jill C Clerk Intermediate LSA Biology - Undergraduate $ 32,500.00 $ 32,500.00
Myers, Joy K Clerk Intermediate News - Information Services $ 32,487.00 $ 32,487.00
Quirk, Jeannette A Clerk Intermediate Law Library $ 32,158.36 $ 32,158.36
King, Mary Ann Clerk Intermediate LSA Statistics $ 32,111.04 $ 32,111.04
Jach, Christine Masters Clerk Intermediate LSA II:International Institute $ 32,000.02 $ 16,000.00
Caudill, Gloria J Clerk Intermediate LSA II:International Institute $ 32,000.02 $ 32,000.00
Schulze, Sandra Eaton Clerk Intermediate LSA Dean: Outreach Staffing $ 32,000.02 $ 32,000.00
Page: 1 of 4

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