List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: CUSTOMER SERVICE Assistant 30
Maximum Salary:$ 53,711.32
Average Salary:$ 38,635.81
Minimum Salary:$ 29,500.12

2009-10 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Ottmar, Karen S Customer Service Assistant Sr Fac Group Practice Operations $ 53,711.32 $ 0.00
Glover, Frankie L Customer Service Assistant Sr Fac Group Practice Operations $ 46,039.76 $ 0.00
Talaga, Wendy L Customer Service Assistant Sr Fac Group Practice Operations $ 45,880.38 $ 0.00
Pridemore, Urana Gray Customer Service Assistant Sr Dbn Admissions $ 43,954.14 $ 43,954.04
Cowan, Van S Customer Service Assistant Sr Health Management Research Ctr $ 43,704.96 $ 0.00
Donahey, Diane M Customer Service Assistant Sr Continuing Legal Education Ins $ 41,966.82 $ 0.00
Watkins, Erin Marlene Customer Service Assistant Sr ROSS SCH Executive Education $ 41,702.18 $ 0.00
Parris, Karen Elizabeth Customer Service Assistant Sr Graduate School Administration $ 41,163.98 $ 0.00
Nys, Karen A Customer Service Assistant Sr Recreational Sports Dept $ 40,335.88 $ 40,335.88
Higgins, Beverly E Customer Service Assistant Sr Dbn Office of the Registrar $ 40,077.98 $ 40,077.96
Kelly, Chanin L Customer Service Assistant Sr UMH Mlabs Program $ 40,003.08 $ 0.00
Frost, Sherri L Customer Service Assistant Sr Dbn Admissions $ 39,634.00 $ 39,633.62
Williams, Grace Customer Service Assistant Sr Dbn Office of Financial Aid $ 38,500.02 $ 38,500.02
Bond, Joanne Customer Service Assistant Sr Dbn Office of the Registrar $ 38,498.47 $ 28,874.04
Aydelotte, William W Customer Service Assistant Sr Graduate School Administration $ 38,154.22 $ 0.00
Curtis, Jenny R Customer Service Assistant Sr UMH Mlabs Program $ 38,147.20 $ 0.00
McDaniels, Ruth Customer Service Assistant Sr Fac Group Practice Operations $ 38,116.26 $ 0.00
Cunningham, Karen R Customer Service Assistant Sr Dbn Financial -Budget Services $ 37,270.14 $ 37,270.22
Bozeman, Andretta M Customer Service Assistant Sr Dbn Office of the Registrar $ 37,129.04 $ 37,129.04
Casey, Tammy L Customer Service Assistant Sr Dbn Physical Plant - Admin $ 36,741.69 $ 36,741.64
Guy, Vanessa A Customer Service Assistant Sr Fac Group Practice Operations $ 36,256.22 $ 0.00
Ledingham, Kelly M Customer Service Assistant Sr Dbn Office of Financial Aid $ 36,000.12 $ 36,000.12
Yarber, Wren Yvette Customer Service Assistant Sr Dbn Office of the Registrar $ 35,858.90 $ 35,858.94
Mody, Khyaati M Customer Service Assistant Sr Recreational Sports Dept $ 35,824.10 $ 35,824.10
Webb, Donice Athena Customer Service Assistant Sr Recreational Sports Dept $ 35,736.48 $ 35,736.48
King, Linda G Customer Service Assistant Sr Dbn Financial -Budget Services $ 35,099.82 $ 35,099.74
Gutierrez, Jaroslave Customer Service Assistant Sr ROSS SCH Executive Education $ 33,166.90 $ 0.00
Gumtow, Jon Customer Service Assistant Sr ROSS SCH Executive MBA Program $ 30,899.96 $ 30,899.96
Horton, Jessica Customer Service Assistant Sr Ross SCH Student Affairs $ 30,000.10 $ 30,000.10
Szalay, Shannon Customer Service Assistant Sr Ross SCH Student Affairs $ 29,500.12 $ 29,500.12
Page: 1 of 1

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