List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: CURATOR 27
Maximum Salary:$ 157,760.00
Average Salary:$ 103,433.15
Minimum Salary:$ 53,859.96

2009-10 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Gingerich, Philip D CURATOR LSA Paleontology Museum $ 157,760.00 $ 78,880.00
Marcus, Joyce CURATOR LSA Anthropology Museum $ 147,821.00 $ 73,910.50
Flannery, Kent V CURATOR LSA Anthropology Museum $ 146,384.00 $ 73,192.00
Wright, Henry T CURATOR LSA Anthropology Museum $ 136,582.00 $ 68,291.00
Sinopoli, Carla M CURATOR LSA Anthropology Museum $ 127,770.00 $ 127,770.00
Berry, Paul E CURATOR LSA Herbarium $ 124,930.00 $ 62,465.00
Fisher, Daniel C CURATOR LSA Paleontology Museum $ 124,461.00 $ 62,230.50
O'Shea, John M CURATOR LSA Anthropology Museum $ 121,696.00 $ 60,848.00
Speth, John D CURATOR LSA Anthropology Museum $ 115,707.00 $ 57,853.50
Fink, William L CURATOR LSA Zoology Museum $ 114,000.00 $ 57,000.00
Root, Margaret C CURATOR LSA Kelsey Museum/Archaeology $ 109,471.00 $ 54,735.50
OConnor, Barry M CURATOR LSA Zoology Museum $ 108,335.00 $ 54,167.50
Gazda, Elaine K CURATOR LSA Kelsey Museum/Archaeology $ 107,790.00 $ 53,895.00
Baumiller, Tomasz K CURATOR LSA Paleontology Museum $ 105,049.00 $ 52,524.50
O'Foighil, Diarmaid CURATOR LSA Zoology Museum $ 97,385.00 $ 48,692.50
Tucker, Priscilla K CURATOR LSA Zoology Museum $ 96,100.00 $ 48,050.00
Whallon Jr, Robert E CURATOR LSA Anthropology Museum $ 93,366.00 $ 46,683.00
Myers, Philip CURATOR LSA Zoology Museum $ 91,100.00 $ 45,550.00
Nussbaum, Ronald A CURATOR LSA Zoology Museum $ 90,000.00 $ 45,000.00
Reznicek, Anton A CURATOR LSA Herbarium $ 85,915.00 $ 42,957.50
Dunnigan, Brian Leigh CURATOR Clements Library $ 78,432.00 $ 78,432.00
Talalay, Lauren E CURATOR LSA Kelsey Museum/Archaeology $ 76,257.00 $ 38,128.50
Dewolfe, Barbara Anne CURATOR Clements Library $ 75,685.00 $ 75,685.00
Slavin, Ruth A CURATOR Museum of Art $ 74,416.00 $ 74,416.00
LEWIS, CLAYTON CURATOR Clements Library $ 72,878.00 $ 72,878.00
Marks, Joseph T CURATOR COLL/EXH-DBN Dbn Office of the Provost $ 59,545.00 $ 59,545.00
O'Dell, Shannon D CURATOR DENT Sindecuse Dental Museum $ 53,859.96 $ 0.00
Herbert, Sharon C CURATOR LS-A Kelsey Museum/Archaeology $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Gosline, William A CURATOR LS-A Museum of Zoology $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Cameron, H Don CURATOR LS-A Museum of Zoology $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 2

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