List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: CLINICAL ASso 166
Maximum Salary:$ 220,000.00
Average Salary:$ 146,076.87
Minimum Salary:$ 58,095.51

2008-09 University of Michigan SalariesPage 5 of 7
Name Title Department FTR GF
Mason, Nancy Ann CLINICAL ASSOC PROF College of Pharmacy $ 117,959.00 $ 117,959.00
Bauer, Patricia Ann CLINICAL ASSOC PROF CariologyRestor Sci and Endo $ 117,928.57 $ 96,701.43
Jibson, Michael D CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Psychiatry Department $ 117,529.00 $ 115,766.07
Orringer, Jeffrey Scott CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Dermatology Department $ 116,699.00 $ 0.00
O'Brien, John M CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Department of Family Medicine $ 116,514.00 $ 15,146.82
Cooling, Laura CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Pathology Department $ 116,500.00 $ 11,650.00
Michael, Claire W CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Pathology Department $ 116,000.00 $ 5,800.00
Giacherio, Donald A CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Pathology Department $ 115,892.00 $ 0.00
Alaniz, Cesar CLINICAL ASSOC PROF College of Pharmacy $ 115,610.00 $ 23,122.00
Evans, Jeffrey E CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Physical Medicine and Rehab Dept $ 113,300.00 $ 0.00
Kirsch, Ned L CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Physical Medicine and Rehab Dept $ 113,300.00 $ 0.00
Sachs, Dana Lynn CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Dermatology Department $ 113,300.00 $ 0.00
Khanderia, Ujjaini B CLINICAL ASSOC PROF College of Pharmacy $ 112,635.00 $ 22,527.00
Depestel, Daryl D CLINICAL ASSOC PROF College of Pharmacy $ 111,738.00 $ 18,995.46
Btaiche, Imad F CLINICAL ASSOC PROF College of Pharmacy $ 110,173.00 $ 22,034.60
Remington, Tami L CLINICAL ASSOC PROF College of Pharmacy $ 110,055.00 $ 19,259.63
Edwards, Paul C CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Periodontics and Oral Medicine $ 109,725.00 $ 109,725.00
Conley, Richard S CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Orthodontics-Dentistry $ 109,710.00 $ 89,962.20
Oh, Tae-Ju CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Periodontics and Oral Medicine $ 109,200.00 $ 89,544.00
Cordell, Kitrina G CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Oral Med/Path/Oncology $ 109,000.00 $ 78,480.00
Sierraalta, Marianella CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Prosthodontics $ 108,896.16 $ 89,294.85
McLean, Mary Ellen CLINICAL ASSOC PROF CariologyRestor Sci and Endo $ 108,786.88 $ 89,205.24
Kiningham, Robert B CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Department of Family Medicine $ 103,851.00 $ 3,115.53
Chavey, William E CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Department of Family Medicine $ 103,656.00 $ 0.00
Mehta, Varsha CLINICAL ASSOC PROF College of Pharmacy $ 102,412.00 $ 18,434.16
Goldberg, Alan David CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Int Med-Cardiology $ 100,324.00 $ 0.00
Lash, Robert W CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Metabolism Endo and Diabetes $ 100,295.15 $ 50,147.58
Oh, Won-Suck CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Prosthodontics $ 99,409.68 $ 90,462.81
Hasson, Hana CLINICAL ASSOC PROF CariologyRestor Sci and Endo $ 96,736.28 $ 79,323.75
Neiva, Gisele De Faria CLINICAL ASSOC PROF CariologyRestor Sci and Endo $ 95,565.10 $ 78,363.38
Page: 5 of 7

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