List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Business Systems Analyst 317
Maximum Salary:$ 137,723.58
Average Salary:$ 77,033.35
Minimum Salary:$ 44,672.10

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 8 of 11
Name Title Department FTR GF
Moore, Ira Edwin Business Systems Analyst Inter HITS EI Complex Device Int Svc $ 69,540.21 $ 0.00
Barnard, Terry Business Systems Analyst Inter HITS AOM InfraSvcs-MiChart $ 68,803.85 $ 0.00
Stromlund, Jennifer D Business Systems Analyst Inter HITS COA Home Health/Transplnt $ 68,580.37 $ 0.00
Shipman, Barbara M Business Systems Analyst Inter HITS COA Revenue Cycle $ 68,467.95 $ 0.00
Vasas, Barbara Business Systems Analyst Inter HR Records - Info Services $ 68,368.00 $ 34,184.00
Finch, Timothy Business Systems Analyst Inter HITS COA Clin Doc/OB/ED $ 68,290.63 $ 0.00
Jacksi, Nazdar M Business Systems Analyst Inter HITS COA Med Use Informat/CDS $ 68,009.17 $ 0.00
Hawk, Andrea Leigh Business Systems Analyst Sr UMH Pathol Lab Data Unit $ 68,000.00 $ 0.00
Hodder, Rachael Business Systems Analyst Inter HITS SVM SW Planning - Design $ 67,957.50 $ 0.00
Halkides, Heather Business Systems Analyst Inter HITS COA Ambul - Portal Apps $ 67,932.33 $ 0.00
Clive, Melissa Business Systems Analyst Inter HITS COA OR Systems/Cupid $ 67,650.00 $ 0.00
Sneeringer, Savanna Business Systems Analyst Inter HITS RAAC Research Apps - Pgms $ 67,650.00 $ 0.00
Britz, Pamela J Business Systems Analyst Inter UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 67,500.00 $ 0.00
Trumbull, Kenneth Business Systems Analyst Inter Merit Network $ 67,500.00 $ 0.00
Roocroft, Paul Business Systems Analyst Inter OUA Systems and Research $ 67,075.20 $ 67,075.20
Rombach, Nancy O Business Systems Analyst Inter HITS COA Orders/Radiant $ 66,947.14 $ 0.00
Brandon, Deborah Naomi Business Systems Analyst Inter Rackham ITS $ 66,945.93 $ 66,945.93
Talwar, Inderjeet K Business Systems Analyst Inter UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 66,910.08 $ 0.00
Potvin, Georgina Metsovas Business Systems Analyst Inter FinOps Payroll Office $ 66,560.19 $ 66,560.19
Glahn, Derrick Business Systems Analyst Inter ROSS SCH Information Technolog $ 66,500.00 $ 66,500.00
Knapp, Alison Pereida Business Systems Analyst Inter UMHS Development - Operations $ 66,346.20 $ 0.00
Akers, Jill C Business Systems Analyst Inter HITS COA Grand Central/HIM $ 66,099.80 $ 0.00
Lobenherz, Christopher Business Systems Analyst Sr Office of Financial Aid $ 66,027.15 $ 66,027.15
Shepardson, Nathaniel Business Systems Analyst Sr HITO $ 65,595.39 $ 0.00
Howe, Kathleen Susan Business Systems Analyst Inter UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 65,506.46 $ 0.00
Jensen, Katrien Business Systems Analyst Inter Merit Network $ 65,142.00 $ 0.00
Lane, Adam Gerard Business Systems Analyst Inter LSA Dean: Info. Technology $ 65,127.00 $ 65,127.00
McKinney, Chelsea Business Systems Analyst Inter Anesthesiology Department $ 65,000.00 $ 0.00
Newton, Lisa Business Systems Analyst Inter DENT Informatics $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000.00
Heim, Maureen P Business Systems Analyst Inter OUA Systems and Research $ 64,979.10 $ 64,979.10
Page: 8 of 11

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