List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Business S 317
Maximum Salary:$ 137,723.58
Average Salary:$ 77,033.35
Minimum Salary:$ 44,672.10

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 11
Name Title Department FTR GF
Wilson, Kathleen Business Systems Analyst Sr Athletics $ 137,723.58 $ 0.00
Foote, Jane Business Systems Analyst Sr Quality Data Management $ 133,837.90 $ 0.00
Schroeder, Andreas W Business Systems Analyst Lead HITS COA Applications 1 $ 117,360.00 $ 0.00
Eckstein, Barbara L Business Systems Analyst Sr HITS Learning Design - Deliver $ 113,125.56 $ 0.00
Richardson, Jeffrey A Business Systems Analyst Sr CoE-IT/CAEN $ 107,322.00 $ 107,322.00
Allan, Christopher James Business Systems Analyst Lead ISR-Management Information Sys $ 107,120.00 $ 0.00
Brucki, Lawrence Business Systems Analyst Lead HITS RAAC Research Apps - Pgms $ 107,012.41 $ 0.00
McGhee, Paul Business Systems Analyst Lead HITS RAAC Research Tech Svcs $ 106,771.08 $ 0.00
Kodali, Venkateswar R Business Systems Analyst Sr HITS COA Revenue Cycle $ 106,690.00 $ 0.00
Geo-Thomas, Annie T Business Systems Analyst Sr HITS RAAC Research Apps - Pgms $ 106,690.00 $ 0.00
Chopko, Robert F Business Systems Analyst Sr HITS COA Grand Central/HIM $ 106,690.00 $ 0.00
Hinkle, Darrel M Business Systems Analyst Sr HITS AOM InfraSvcs-Intrfc $ 106,690.00 $ 0.00
Hollar, Susan Mary Business Systems Analyst Sr HITS ET Education Informatics $ 106,543.38 $ 0.00
Facchini, Barbara Kay Business Systems Analyst Sr UMHS Financial Srvcs $ 104,488.80 $ 0.00
Vasher, Debra Jean Business Systems Analyst Sr HITS COA Grand Central/HIM $ 104,107.39 $ 0.00
Yoo, Roy Business Systems Analyst Lead UMH Contracts - Proc Admin $ 103,564.44 $ 0.00
Lauerman, Elaine K Business Systems Analyst Sr HITS EI Cont - Data Svcs $ 103,369.19 $ 0.00
Stout, James M Business Systems Analyst Sr HITS COA Applications 2 $ 102,810.41 $ 0.00
Gendler, Stephen Business Systems Analyst Sr HITS RAAC Research Engagement $ 102,500.00 $ 0.00
Greene, Thomas P Business Systems Analyst Sr HITS AOM InfraSvcs-Intrfc $ 102,128.40 $ 0.00
Kostishak, Michelle Business Systems Analyst Sr HITS COA Revenue Cycle $ 101,761.29 $ 0.00
Talwar, Paul Singh Business Systems Analyst Sr HITS COA Applications 2 $ 101,606.14 $ 0.00
Kenyon, James Business Systems Analyst Lead HITS RAAC Research Tech Svcs $ 101,221.54 $ 0.00
Ford, Kimberly Business Systems Analyst Lead UMHS - HIM Administration $ 99,229.12 $ 0.00
Fields, Loretta Business Systems Analyst Sr HITS COA Applications 1 $ 98,056.39 $ 0.00
Zimdars, Barbara Katrin Business Systems Analyst Sr HITS COA Grand Central/HIM $ 98,013.40 $ 0.00
Jokinen, Michael T Business Systems Analyst Sr HITS AOM InfraSvcs-Intrfc $ 97,518.90 $ 0.00
Kermani, Marzban Business Systems Analyst Sr Dev Svcs - Strategic Solutions $ 96,855.00 $ 0.00
Petronio, Diane Business Systems Analyst Sr HITS COA Revenue Cycle $ 96,699.29 $ 0.00
Mull, Gary S Business Systems Analyst Sr HITS AOM InfraSvcs-MiChart $ 96,397.98 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 11

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