List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Business S 429
Maximum Salary:$ 148,519.40
Average Salary:$ 95,384.74
Minimum Salary:$ 48,751.92

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 12 of 15
Name Title Department FTR GF
Baker, Scott Business Systems Analyst Inter UMS Administration $ 80,000.00 $ 0.00
Naveh, Holly Business Systems Analyst Inter ITS EAS CRM & Mktg Comms Sys $ 79,695.00 $ 79,695.00
Dominick, Alyssa Business Systems Analyst Inter MM Rad IT Services $ 79,608.00 $ 0.00
Michna, Elizabeth Hodgson Business Systems Analyst Inter Dev Svcs & Strategic Solutions $ 79,600.00 $ 0.00
Trumbull, Kenneth Business Systems Analyst Inter Merit Network $ 79,569.16 $ 0.00
Hill, Kate Business Systems Analyst Inter ITS EAS CRM & Mktg Comms Sys $ 79,310.00 $ 79,310.00
Kuzma, Jacob Business Systems Analyst Inter School of Nursing $ 79,268.80 $ 79,268.80
Larson, Charlie Business Systems Analyst Inter ITS EAS CRM & Mktg Comms Sys $ 79,002.00 $ 79,002.00
Seshadri, Savitha Business Systems Analyst Inter MM Supply Chain Solutions $ 79,000.00 $ 0.00
Dulle, Karen M Business Systems Analyst Inter MM Oper Rooms - Univ Hospital $ 78,612.69 $ 0.00
Osugi, Mikio Business Systems Analyst Inter MM Path MLabs Division $ 78,612.69 $ 0.00
Seaton, Audra Business Systems Analyst Inter MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 78,612.69 $ 0.00
Bonham, Charles Business Systems Analyst Inter MM Facilities Administration $ 78,398.99 $ 0.00
Hoffman, Sean Business Systems Analyst Inter MM HITS ETS InfraSvcs-EDEM $ 78,358.71 $ 0.00
Ptaszynski, Michelle Business Systems Analyst Inter MM HITS BusIT Workforce Apps $ 78,358.71 $ 0.00
Luchin, Vasa Business Systems Analyst Inter Merit Network $ 78,270.50 $ 0.00
VanDyke, Megan Business Systems Analyst Inter MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 78,207.06 $ 0.00
Purohit, Swati Business Systems Analyst Sr OEM Technology Solutions $ 78,121.80 $ 78,121.80
Fatima, Nausheen Business Systems Analyst Inter MM HITS BusIT Business Apps $ 78,090.00 $ 0.00
Stepanski, Scott Business Systems Analyst Inter Merit Network $ 78,000.00 $ 0.00
Savage, Ethan Business Systems Analyst Inter Dbn Information Technology Svc $ 77,599.97 $ 77,599.97
Miller, Katherine Business Systems Analyst Sr OFA Office of Financial Aid $ 77,500.80 $ 77,500.80
Ziemer, Kimiko Business Systems Analyst Inter MM Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 77,455.06 $ 0.00
D'Alecy, Joseph Business Systems Analyst Inter MM HITS ETS DeviceOps $ 77,303.46 $ 0.00
Anusiem, Ejike Business Systems Analyst Inter MM Development - Operations $ 77,250.00 $ 0.00
Eckman, Clay Business Systems Analyst Inter ITS EAS CRM & Mktg Comms Sys $ 77,000.00 $ 77,000.00
Ross, Kevin Business Systems Analyst Inter Law School $ 76,963.00 $ 76,963.00
Murphy, Laurie J Business Systems Analyst Inter MM Oper Rooms - Univ Hospital $ 76,385.83 $ 0.00
Prater, Michael Business Systems Analyst Inter MM Access & Insights $ 76,323.00 $ 0.00
Tibbits, Justin Business Systems Analyst Inter MM Path MLabs Division $ 76,323.00 $ 0.00
Page: 12 of 15

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