List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Business Manager 26
Maximum Salary:$ 91,533.00
Average Salary:$ 68,435.73
Minimum Salary:$ 54,060.00

2005-06 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Houchard, Frances K Business Manager School of Education $ 91,533.00 $ 91,533.00
Blakeman, M Kate Business Manager Life Sciences Institute-Admin $ 87,550.00 $ 0.00
Carver, Robert A Business Manager College of Pharmacy $ 84,283.00 $ 84,283.00
Eboch, Mark M Business Manager Subunit Space Information $ 83,000.00 $ 83,000.00
Long, Leah J Business Manager Dbn Col of Arts Sci - Letters $ 80,028.00 $ 80,028.00
Venema, Margaret Ann Business Manager Financial Services-Dentistry $ 77,520.00 $ 69,768.00
Vogel, Elora J Business Manager Subunit Printing Services Department $ 74,377.15 $ 0.00
Lesser, Marjorie M Business Manager Subunit Mechanical Engineering $ 73,500.00 $ 73,500.00
Branch, Larry A Business Manager Recreational Sports Dept $ 72,400.73 $ 72,400.73
Wikaryasz, Monica Ann Business Manager Subunit School of Information $ 71,425.00 $ 71,425.00
Beaudry, Cynthia L Business Manager Subunit LSA Chemistry $ 68,000.00 $ 68,000.00
Meyer, Randy Business Manager Subunit Stores - Administration $ 67,483.38 $ 0.00
Coleman, Lori L Business Manager G. Ford Sch of Public Policy $ 67,275.00 $ 58,562.89
Avery, Laura Lee Business Manager Graduate School Administration $ 67,000.00 $ 67,000.00
Levell, Jeffrey Donald Business Manager Subunit LSA English Language Institute $ 65,834.00 $ 65,834.00
Baibak, Sherry A Business Manager VP for Communications $ 64,608.81 $ 64,608.81
Martinowicz, Mary H Business Manager Sch of Nat Resources - Environ $ 64,500.00 $ 61,275.00
Lyon, Mary Ellen Business Manager Subunit Office of Financial Analysis $ 62,010.12 $ 62,010.12
Richmon-Morton, Wenda Jean Business Manager Subunit LSA Psychology $ 60,967.00 $ 60,967.00
Farmer, Krista M Business Manager Subunit LSA Physics $ 58,950.00 $ 41,265.00
Luo, Christina Business Manager Law School $ 58,301.22 $ 58,301.22
Mueller, Catherine Crozier Business Manager Ctr for the Education of Women $ 57,380.00 $ 54,511.00
Smith, Jennifer J Business Manager Subunit SOE-Educational Studies $ 56,862.00 $ 8,529.30
Gentles, Lukeland Samuel Business Manager Subunit Building Services Department $ 56,099.00 $ 0.00
Beres, Gabriela S Business Manager Subunit University Press $ 54,381.68 $ 0.00
Haag, Kathleen A Business Manager Subunit Dbn Physical Plant - Admin $ 54,060.00 $ 54,060.00
Page: 1 of 1

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