List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Bioinfo-Comput Biologist Inter 6
Maximum Salary:$ 85,899.10
Average Salary:$ 81,387.18
Minimum Salary:$ 71,820.00

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Padmanabhan, Karthik Ramaswamy Bioinfo-Comput Biologist Inter BRCF Epigenomics Core $ 85,899.10 $ 83,322.13
Opron, Kristopher Bioinfo-Comput Biologist Inter BRCF Bioinformatics Core $ 85,587.50 $ 12,838.13
Sifuentes, Christopher Bioinfo-Comput Biologist Inter BRCF Bioinformatics Core $ 84,562.50 $ 63,421.88
Cavalcante Jr, Raymond George Bioinfo-Comput Biologist Inter BRCF Epigenomics Core $ 83,804.00 $ 83,804.00
Hartman, John Bioinfo-Comput Biologist Inter Int Med-Nephrology $ 76,650.00 $ 7,665.00
Eichinger, Felix Hans Kamillo Bioinfo-Comput Biologist Inter Int Med-Nephrology $ 71,820.00 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 1

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