List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Audio 57
Maximum Salary:$ 89,941.86
Average Salary:$ 58,734.30
Minimum Salary:$ 28,242.44

2015-16 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Vereb, Anita Fay Audiologist CW Pediatric Audiology $ 89,941.86 $ 2,248.60
Carlson, Julie A Audiologist CW Pediatric Audiology $ 87,157.14 $ 2,178.90
Kovach, Deborah Jeanne Audiologist UMH Audiology $ 83,830.45 $ 0.00
VanRiper, Lori Ann Audiologist CW Pediatric Audiology $ 83,563.93 $ 0.00
Stach, Casey Jean Audiologist UMH Cochlear Implant $ 83,272.75 $ 1,814.30
Griffin, Brandi L Audiologist UMH Cochlear Implant $ 80,242.34 $ 3,005.10
Krishnan, Ranjani Audiologist CW Pediatric Audiology $ 80,029.39 $ 3,201.20
Mannarelli II, Gregory Audiologist UMH Audiology $ 79,500.39 $ 4,968.80
Mandell, Elizabeth Audiologist CW Pediatric Audiology $ 79,086.65 $ 0.00
Pitts, Crystal Marie Audiologist UMH Audiology $ 78,955.59 $ 0.00
Arnedt, Caroline D Audiologist Oto - Otology-Neurotology $ 78,023.01 $ 1,706.80
Kuboushek, Katie Audiologist CW Pediatric Audiology $ 77,163.16 $ 3,858.20
Winters, Kristy M Audiologist CW Pediatric Audiology $ 76,936.93 $ 1,923.40
Masterson, Katie Audiologist CW Pediatric Audiology $ 76,482.10 $ 4,780.10
Boerst, Angelique K Audiologist CW Pediatric Audiology $ 76,392.96 $ 5,729.50
Liu, Yao-Jan Audiologist UMH Audiology $ 76,076.00 $ 0.00
Scott, Le'Ann Denise Audiologist UMH Audiology $ 75,571.77 $ 0.00
Slager, Heidi Audiologist UMH Cochlear Implant $ 74,171.38 $ 8,344.30
Congdon, Sheri R Audiologist UMH Audiology $ 74,036.93 $ 0.00
McCue, Jennifer Lynn Audiologist UMH Audiology $ 73,507.34 $ 0.00
Hudson, Harvey Audiologist UMH Audiology $ 73,500.00 $ 0.00
Nairn-Jewell, Emily Audiologist UMH Audiology $ 72,985.03 $ 0.00
Hardin, K'Kio Audio/Visual Prod Assoc Supr CoE Communications and Marketing $ 71,848.00 $ 71,848.00
Mersereau, John Audio/Visual Prod Assoc Supr Library LearnandTeach-DMC Studio $ 71,436.99 $ 71,437.00
Hess, Robert R Audio/Visual Prod Inter Supr LSA Dean: Development $ 69,335.00 $ 34,667.50
Greenspan, David E Audio/Visual Prod Assoc Supr Library LearnandTeach-DMC Studio $ 67,237.93 $ 67,237.90
Sanders, Stephanie Audiologist CW Pediatric Audiology $ 65,778.30 $ 4,111.10
Havard, Shaleta Audiologist UMH Vestiblr Test - Tech $ 63,824.25 $ 0.00
Claytor, Lindsay Katherine Eldridge Audiologist UMH Audiology $ 62,186.25 $ 0.00
Genoa, Brian Lawrence Audio/Visual Prod Assoc Supr Law School $ 60,786.00 $ 60,786.00
Page: 1 of 2

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