List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Asst to the dean or VP 34
Maximum Salary:$ 103,400.00
Average Salary:$ 70,142.75
Minimum Salary:$ 49,080.00

2011-12 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Koski, Sylvia J Asst To The Dean or VP Sr Sch of Public Hlth-Dean-#39;s Ofc $ 103,400.00 $ 103,400.00
North, Nancy J Asst To The Dean or VP Sr Library Dean - General $ 99,865.08 $ 99,865.08
Cook, Betty L Asst To The Dean or VP Sr Office of VP for Research $ 97,472.00 $ 97,472.00
Seglund, Kathleen Ann Asst To The Dean or VP Sr Sch of Nat Resources - Environ $ 95,070.00 $ 95,070.00
Hodges, Patricia Lynn Asst To The Dean or VP Sr School of Art and Design $ 94,691.27 $ 94,691.27
Sweigert, Martha A Asst To The Dean or VP Sr CoE Dean $ 83,430.00 $ 83,430.00
Marsh, Susanne A Asst To The Dean or VP Sr LSA Dean: Dean-#39;s Office $ 82,845.00 $ 82,845.00
Kelemen, Rozona M Asst To The Dean or VP Sr Law School $ 81,500.00 $ 81,500.00
Modelski, Judith M Asst To The Dean or VP Sr Dbn Office of Business Affairs $ 80,760.00 $ 80,760.00
Glazier, Terri Lynn Asst To The Dean or VP Sr School of Music $ 80,643.15 $ 80,643.15
Smith, Danielle R Asst To The Dean or VP Sr School of Education $ 78,030.00 $ 78,030.00
Kuhn, Sharon K Asst To The Dean or VP Sr OUA AVP and Operations $ 75,000.00 $ 75,000.00
Asher, Audra M Asst To The Dean or VP Sr ROSS SCH Dean-#39;s Office $ 74,550.00 $ 74,550.00
Perananamgam, Reetha Asst To The Dean or VP Sr Dbn School of Education $ 72,000.00 $ 72,000.00
Delano, Mary C Asst To The Dean or VP Sr School of Education $ 71,910.00 $ 71,910.00
Rutkey, Brenda Asst To The Dean or VP Sr ROSS SCH Dean-#39;s Office $ 70,000.00 $ 70,000.00
Brandon, Jamie Yost Asst To The Dean or VP Sr Life Sciences Institute-Admin $ 66,518.43 $ 0.00
Lewis, Marsha H Asst To the Dean or VP Inter School of Kinesiology $ 66,328.20 $ 66,328.20
Weigelin, Mary Catherine Asst To the Dean or VP Inter Graduate School Administration $ 63,860.00 $ 63,860.00
Wilger, Randall Asst To the Dean or VP Inter Flint Hlth Profession Studies $ 63,342.00 $ 63,342.00
Belaney, Regina J Asst To the Dean or VP Inter School of Social Work $ 60,108.75 $ 60,108.75
Saling, Roberta L Asst To the Dean or VP Inter G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 59,670.00 $ 59,670.00
Smith, Barbara Jo Asst To the Dean or VP Inter School of Information $ 58,733.00 $ 58,733.00
Spirl, Karen L Asst To the Dean or VP Inter ISR-Director-#39;s Office $ 58,349.50 $ 0.00
Scott, Sandra L Asst To the Dean or VP Inter Dbn Col of Eng - Computer Sci. $ 58,301.00 $ 58,301.00
Roberts, Ann M Asst To the Dean or VP Inter Central Administration $ 57,341.13 $ 0.00
Chmiel, Pamela J Asst To the Dean or VP Inter Dbn College of Business $ 57,008.00 $ 57,008.00
Taylor, Pamela K Asst To the Dean or VP Inter College of Pharmacy $ 56,613.00 $ 56,613.00
Ewart, Gretchen Marie Asst To the Dean or VP Inter School of Education $ 56,100.00 $ 56,100.00
Parker, Deborah L Asst To the Dean or VP Inter Dbn Col of Arts Sci - Letters $ 55,152.00 $ 55,152.00
Page: 1 of 2

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