List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Asst to the Dean 28
Maximum Salary:$ 129,953.00
Average Salary:$ 94,556.42
Minimum Salary:$ 58,642.64

2024-25 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Title Department FTR GF
Grimes, Kathleen Louise Asst To The Dean or VP Sr CoE Dean $ 129,953.00 $ 129,953.00
Grimes, Robyn Lynn Asst To The Dean or VP Sr Law School $ 128,438.00 $ 128,438.00
Cooper, Heather Asst To The Dean or VP Sr ROSS SCH Deans Office $ 122,852.81 $ 122,852.81
Bennett, Lorie Ann Asst To The Dean or VP Sr School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 118,299.00 $ 0.00
Engholm, Tara L Asst To The Dean or VP Sr ISR-Director's Office $ 115,000.00 $ 0.00
Burnham, Laura Lynn Asst To The Dean or VP Sr University Library $ 111,100.00 $ 111,100.00
Smith, Barbara Jo Asst To The Dean or VP Sr School of Information $ 109,241.60 $ 109,241.60
Jacobs, Rhonda S Asst To The Dean or VP Sr Rackham Dean's Office $ 106,563.00 $ 106,563.00
Alexa-Sedgeman, Tina Asst To the Dean or VP Inter School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 105,833.00 $ 105,833.00
Semones, Michele Asst To The Dean or VP Sr MARSAL EDUC - School of Educ $ 104,665.41 $ 104,665.41
Kashani, Sarvin Asst To The Dean or VP Sr School of Kinesiology $ 104,004.16 $ 104,004.16
Koehler, Susan Payeur Asst To The Dean or VP Sr SEAS Dean's Office Operations $ 104,000.00 $ 104,000.00
Jenkins, Britney Asst To The Dean or VP Sr LSA Dean: Dean's Office $ 103,500.00 $ 103,500.00
McDonald, Hilda Asst To The Dean or VP Sr College of Pharmacy $ 103,239.00 $ 103,239.00
Loury, Kelly Asst To The Dean or VP Sr Sch of Public Hlth-Dean's Ofc $ 100,105.00 $ 100,105.00
Perrell, Rachel Asst To The Dean or VP Sr Law School $ 96,201.00 $ 96,201.00
Ehlers, Michelle Asst To The Dean or VP Sr School of Social Work $ 95,080.00 $ 95,080.00
Selcova Wiseley, Zuzana Asst To The Dean or VP Sr G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 93,375.00 $ 93,375.00
Watson, Nicole Asst To the Dean or VP Inter Taubman College Administration $ 83,072.00 $ 83,072.00
Roberts, Erika Asst To the Dean or VP Inter DENT Dean's Office&Fac Affairs $ 77,984.75 $ 77,984.75
Dunning, Christine Asst To The Dean or VP Sr Dbn College of Business $ 75,200.84 $ 75,200.84
Harris, Caroline Asst To The Dean or VP Sr Dbn Col of Eng & Computer Sci. $ 72,500.00 $ 72,500.00
Drake-Austin, Janice Asst To the Dean or VP Inter Stamps School of Art & Design $ 72,100.00 $ 72,100.00
Dennis, Bretton Asst To The Dean or VP Sr Flint CASE $ 68,077.95 $ 68,077.95
Davis, Monique Leila Asst To the Dean or VP Inter Dbn-College of EducHealth&HS $ 65,890.00 $ 65,890.00
Arntz, Kristin Marie Asst To the Dean or VP Inter Flint Management Dean $ 63,367.77 $ 63,367.77
Haynes, Nicole Asst To the Dean or VP Inter Flint Nursing $ 59,293.70 $ 59,293.70
Bednarski, Tamara Asst To the Dean or VP Inter Flint College of Hlth Sciences $ 58,642.64 $ 58,642.64
Page: 1 of 1

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