List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Asst Professor 855
Maximum Salary:$ 270,000.00
Average Salary:$ 125,745.16
Minimum Salary:$ 62,830.00

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 27 of 29
Name Title Department FTR GF
Oh, Jeyoung ASST PROFESSOR Flint Communications Studies $ 68,440.41 $ 68,440.41
Eaton, Katherine Emily ASST PROFESSOR Flint Education $ 68,383.76 $ 68,383.76
Groden, Sheryl Renee ASST PROFESSOR Flint Social Work $ 68,119.05 $ 68,119.05
Kim, Woojong ASST PROFESSOR Flint Social Work $ 68,119.05 $ 68,119.05
McClain, Nathaniel B ASST PROFESSOR Flint Education $ 68,119.05 $ 68,119.05
LaCosse, Jennifer Anne ASST PROFESSOR Flint Psychology $ 67,980.00 $ 67,980.00
Chen, You-Shin ASST PROFESSOR Flint Biology $ 67,960.69 $ 67,960.69
Katz, Asaf Asst Professor LSA Mathematics $ 66,000.00 $ 66,000.00
Zelingher, Elad Asst Professor LSA Mathematics $ 66,000.00 $ 66,000.00
Bartels, Jonathan Tabler ASST PROFESSOR Flint Education $ 66,000.00 $ 66,000.00
Stojkovski, Velimir ASST PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Language Culture Arts $ 65,767.67 $ 65,767.67
Sajber, Krisztina ASST PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Language Culture Arts $ 65,661.76 $ 65,661.76
Arathoon, Philip Ashley Asst Professor LSA Mathematics $ 65,343.00 $ 32,671.50
Blackstone, Elliot Asst Professor LSA Mathematics $ 65,343.00 $ 65,343.00
Dobner, Alexander J Asst Professor LSA Mathematics $ 65,343.00 $ 35,350.56
Gadish, Nir Asst Professor LSA Mathematics $ 65,343.00 $ 65,343.00
Husson, Jonathan Carlos Albert Asst Professor LSA Mathematics $ 65,343.00 $ 65,343.00
Ji, Lena Min Asst Professor LSA Mathematics $ 65,343.00 $ 40,136.94
Kara, Ali Asst Professor LSA Mathematics $ 65,343.00 $ 0.00
Kim, Dae Wook Asst Professor LSA Mathematics $ 65,343.00 $ 32,671.50
Kim, Donghan Asst Professor LSA Mathematics $ 65,343.00 $ 32,671.50
Le, Hai Asst Professor LSA Mathematics $ 65,343.00 $ 65,343.00
Maraj, Aida Asst Professor LSA Mathematics $ 65,343.00 $ 65,343.00
Prokhorov, Andrei Asst Professor LSA Mathematics $ 65,343.00 $ 40,349.30
Stapleton, David John Asst Professor LSA Mathematics $ 65,343.00 $ 65,343.00
Tamam, Nattalie Asst Professor LSA Mathematics $ 65,343.00 $ 65,343.00
Vig, Amir Asst Professor LSA Mathematics $ 65,343.00 $ 65,343.00
Bell, Finn McLafferty ASST PROFESSOR Dbn CEHHS Health & Human Serv $ 65,145.00 $ 65,145.00
Boggs, Brian Joseph ASST PROFESSOR Dbn CEHHS Education-OPERATIONS $ 65,145.00 $ 65,145.00
Bronstein, Erin Anne ASST PROFESSOR Dbn CEHHS Education-OPERATIONS $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000.00
Page: 27 of 29

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