List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Assoc Professor 1011
Maximum Salary:$ 302,180.00
Average Salary:$ 116,484.33
Minimum Salary:$ 59,443.00

2014-15 University of Michigan SalariesPage 12 of 34
Name Title Department FTR GF
Dick, Robert ASSOC PROFESSOR COE EECS - ECE Division $ 119,077.00 $ 101,215.45
Burgard, Sarah Andrea ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Sociology $ 119,000.00 $ 119,000.00
He, Yongqun ASSOC PROFESSOR MSA ULAM Faculty $ 118,912.00 $ 112,966.40
Bowman, Diana ASSOC PROFESSOR Health Management and Policy $ 118,900.00 $ 0.00
Murphy, Geoffrey G ASSOC PROFESSOR Molec and Integrative Physiology $ 118,761.74 $ 5,938.09
Kossoudji, Sherrie A ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Social Work $ 118,751.27 $ 118,751.27
Nichols, Ruthann ASSOC PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 118,722.83 $ 118,722.83
Marquis, Emmanuelle ASSOC PROFESSOR Materials Science and Engin. $ 118,170.00 $ 112,261.50
Kozloff, Kenneth Michael ASSOC PROFESSOR Orthopaedic Surgery $ 118,145.15 $ 0.00
Galban, Craig J ASSOC PROFESSOR Department of Radiology $ 118,000.00 $ 0.00
Grogan-Kaylor, Andrew C ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Social Work $ 117,902.43 $ 117,902.43
Fenno, J Christopher ASSOC PROFESSOR DENT Bio and Materials Science $ 117,812.41 $ 100,140.55
Jamin, Sugih ASSOC PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 117,600.00 $ 117,600.00
Arslanian-Engoren, Cynthia M ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Nursing $ 117,562.37 $ 58,781.19
Wenisch, Thomas F ASSOC PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 117,500.00 $ 99,875.00
Mei, Qiaozhu ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Information $ 117,342.00 $ 117,342.00
Ritchie, Helena H ASSOC PROFESSOR DENTCariologyRestor Sci andEndo $ 117,308.62 $ 87,981.46
Newman, Mark W ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Information $ 117,155.00 $ 117,155.00
Ballinger, Pamela ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA History $ 117,000.00 $ 0.00
Corso, Jason ASSOC PROFESSOR COE EECS - ECE Division $ 117,000.00 $ 117,000.00
Stephenson, Corey ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Chemistry $ 116,725.00 $ 109,721.50
Lopatin, Anatoli N ASSOC PROFESSOR Molec and Integrative Physiology $ 116,607.46 $ 116,607.46
Low, Lisa K ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Nursing $ 116,584.00 $ 43,718.85
Michele, Daniel Eugene ASSOC PROFESSOR Molec and Integrative Physiology $ 116,511.41 $ 57,871.22
Clemen-Stone, Susan ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Nursing $ 116,390.00 $ 116,390.00
Adar, Eytan ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Information $ 115,838.00 $ 115,838.00
Huang, Xianglei ASSOC PROFESSOR Atm Oceanic and Space Sci. $ 115,700.00 $ 98,345.00
Eagle, Herbert J Assoc Professor LSA UG: Residential College $ 115,500.00 $ 38,115.00
Eagle, Herbert J ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Slavic Languages and Lit. $ 115,500.00 $ 19,635.00
Meade, Michelle A ASSOC PROFESSOR Physical Medicine and Rehab Dept $ 115,360.00 $ 5,768.00
Page: 12 of 34

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