List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Allied Health Intermediate 44
Maximum Salary:$ 80,868.36
Average Salary:$ 64,384.29
Minimum Salary:$ 41,000.00

2006-07 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 2
Name Title Department FTR GF
Olte, Andris E Allied Health Intermediate Sup UMH Radiology-Comp Tomogr $ 60,071.66 $ 0.00
Pape, Michelle Diane Allied Health Intermediate Sup UMH Mott Resp Therapy $ 60,049.00 $ 0.00
Williams, John J Allied Health Intermediate Sup UMH Ophthy Optical Shop - PRO $ 59,452.30 $ 0.00
Erber, Mary Louise Allied Health Intermediate Sup UMH Pathology Satellite Supp $ 57,326.38 $ 0.00
Saxton, Heather A Allied Health Intermediate Sup UMH Resp/Cardiov Svcs $ 56,087.06 $ 0.00
Campbell, Shellie Jayne Allied Health Intermediate Sup UMH Path O/P Phlebotomy $ 54,415.94 $ 0.00
Patierno, Cynthia C Allied Health Intermediate Sup UMH Radiology/Gu/Gi/Ip Gen Ima $ 53,728.22 $ 0.00
McCain, Judith Ann Allied Health Intermediate Sup UMH Resp/Cardiov Svcs $ 52,234.70 $ 0.00
Brown, Michele M Allied Health Intermediate Sup UMH Psych Intake - Schedule $ 51,841.53 $ 0.00
Uchtorff, Renee L Allied Health Intermediate Sup UMH Mott Resp Therapy $ 48,175.68 $ 0.00
Penar, Sheryl Allied Health Intermediate Sup UMH Path I/P Phlebotomy $ 47,109.17 $ 0.00
Stutzman, Cynthia A Allied Health Intermediate Sup UMH Pathology Satellite Supp $ 45,745.00 $ 0.00
Becker, Carol M Allied Health Intermediate Sup UMH Pathology Satellite Supp $ 45,544.66 $ 0.00
Julien, Sheila L Allied Health Intermediate Sup UMH Cancer Center Admin $ 41,000.00 $ 0.00
Page: 2 of 2

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