List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Administrative Assistant s 241
Maximum Salary:$ 84,441.00
Average Salary:$ 55,920.83
Minimum Salary:$ 44,255.12

2022-23 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 9
Name Title Department FTR GF
Overholser, Michelle M Administrative Assistant Sr ICPSR - Administration $ 84,441.00 $ 0.00
Printon, Stacie Elizabeth Administrative Assistant Sr COE EECS - ECE Division $ 81,380.00 $ 81,380.00
Root, Colleen K Administrative Assistant Sr CoE Research $ 77,561.00 $ 77,561.00
Hoelzer, Brenda L Administrative Assistant Sr Continuing Legal Education Ins $ 74,623.90 $ 0.00
Cope, Anne Administrative Assistant Sr ADVANCE Program $ 74,052.68 $ 59,242.09
Wade, Stacy Administrative Assistant Sr ROSS SCH Information Technolog $ 73,737.73 $ 73,737.85
Flowers, Gina Administrative Assistant Sr Facilities Maintenance Dept $ 73,221.71 $ 73,221.71
VanTuyl, Marjorie E Administrative Assistant Sr Registrar's Office $ 71,352.84 $ 71,352.84
Wicklund, Amy A Administrative Assistant Sr COE EECS - ECE Division $ 70,500.00 $ 70,500.00
Boyle, Kristine Administrative Assistant Sr Registrar's Office $ 70,219.74 $ 70,219.74
Eddy, Deborah K Administrative Assistant Sr Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 69,316.00 $ 69,316.00
Smola, Amy Administrative Assistant Sr Museum Studies Program $ 68,954.83 $ 34,477.41
Boehr, Lisa Administrative Assistant Sr LSA Psychology $ 68,729.00 $ 41,237.40
Smola, Amy Administrative Assistant Sr Rackham Consultation Svcs $ 68,288.73 $ 34,144.36
Smith-Redmon, Carolyn Administrative Assistant Sr DPSS U of M Police Dept $ 67,600.00 $ 0.00
Gauss, Kimberly Ann Administrative Assistant Sr Utility Services $ 67,555.86 $ 0.00
Fuerstnau, Lynda J Administrative Assistant Sr Hlth Behavior & Hlth Ed Dept $ 67,158.00 $ 67,158.00
Bond, Cynthia Moore Administrative Assistant Sr CoE-IT/CAEN $ 66,496.00 $ 66,496.00
Jastrzembowski, Ann M Administrative Assistant Sr ICPSR - Administration $ 66,150.08 $ 0.00
Tainter, Suzanne Administrative Assistant Sr LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 66,138.00 $ 33,069.00
Campbell, Jessica M Administrative Assistant Sr AEC-Architecture & Engineering $ 65,695.54 $ 0.00
Tainter, Suzanne Administrative Assistant Sr LSA Chemistry $ 65,104.00 $ 32,552.00
Lightner, Christine Administrative Assistant Sr Sch for Environ and Sustain $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000.00
Stafford, Barbara Anne Administrative Assistant Sr EH&S $ 64,804.14 $ 64,804.14
Stewart, Melissa Administrative Assistant Sr Library Partners - HathiTrust $ 64,705.00 $ 0.00
Mosley, Michelle Administrative Assistant Sr Library Deans Office - Finance $ 64,658.75 $ 64,658.75
Kim, Gene H Administrative Assistant Sr CoE Center for Health Eng $ 64,551.00 $ 64,551.00
Winchester, Amy Administrative Assistant Sr LSA Museum of Anthro Arch $ 64,349.09 $ 64,349.09
McGuire, Linda May Administrative Assistant Sr ITS Infra Net Dir of Bus $ 64,320.00 $ 0.00
Welch, Tara L Administrative Assistant Sr EH&S $ 64,205.82 $ 64,205.82
Page: 1 of 9

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