List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Administrative Assistant In 332
Maximum Salary:$ 82,870.95
Average Salary:$ 42,749.22
Minimum Salary:$ 28,999.88

2016-17 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 12
Name Title Department FTR GF
Osborne, Bethany Administrative Assistant Inter School of Nursing $ 51,000.04 $ 51,000.00
Carpenter, Kellie A Administrative Assistant Inter Bentley Historical Library $ 51,000.04 $ 51,000.00
Luke, Dianna Administrative Assistant Inter Athletics $ 50,979.66 $ 0.00
Kossey, Laura Administrative Assistant Inter AEC-Project Management $ 50,428.80 $ 50,428.80
Gardner, Karen Administrative Assistant Inter DENT Periodontics and Oral Med $ 50,388.70 $ 50,388.70
Bachler, Carrie Administrative Assistant Inter School of Nursing $ 50,000.08 $ 0.00
Bolt, Misty Administrative Assistant Inter SRO-Data Collection Operations $ 49,972.44 $ 0.00
Lautenbach, Anita J Administrative Assistant Inter SOE- Teacher Education $ 49,590.06 $ 0.00
Hinz, Janet Administrative Assistant Inter Athletics $ 49,258.77 $ 0.00
Boyd, Sherry J Administrative Assistant Inter Dbn College of Eng-IDP $ 48,475.00 $ 48,475.00
Munoz, Jolette Nadiene Administrative Assistant Inter ORSP $ 48,415.00 $ 48,415.00
Yoon, Angela Su Administrative Assistant Inter ITS Enterprise App Svcs $ 48,351.00 $ 30,220.00
Puckett, Jennifer Administrative Assistant Inter ISR-Director's Office $ 48,217.93 $ 0.00
Leon, Marian Administrative Assistant Inter Library Info Tech - General $ 47,999.90 $ 48,000.00
Wielfaert, Linda K Administrative Assistant Inter Law School $ 47,940.00 $ 47,940.00
Harlow, Laura Helen Administrative Assistant Inter Law School $ 47,940.00 $ 47,940.00
Pritula, Karen I Administrative Assistant Inter Law School $ 47,940.00 $ 47,940.00
Kryskowski, Dorothy Administrative Assistant Inter Law School $ 47,940.00 $ 47,940.00
Falkowski, Brenda J Administrative Assistant Inter Law School $ 47,940.00 $ 47,940.00
Klocinski, Margaret Ann Administrative Assistant Inter Law School $ 47,940.00 $ 47,940.00
Fidh, Cheri Administrative Assistant Inter Law School $ 47,940.00 $ 47,940.00
Briscoe, Shannon Administrative Assistant Inter Law School $ 47,940.00 $ 47,940.00
Horning, Janis M Administrative Assistant Inter Law School $ 47,940.00 $ 47,940.00
Faris, Dara Linn Administrative Assistant Inter Law School $ 47,940.00 $ 47,940.00
Jaques, David Administrative Assistant Inter Office of the President $ 47,939.84 $ 47,939.94
Edman, Karen Administrative Assistant Inter Law School $ 47,705.00 $ 47,705.00
Woods, Laura Sue Administrative Assistant Inter DENT Oral Surgery @ HospClinic $ 47,684.47 $ 38,172.98
Parker, Marie Administrative Assistant Inter Health Management and Policy $ 47,623.00 $ 0.00
Guinyard, Linda F Administrative Assistant Inter Treasurer's Office $ 47,522.25 $ 0.00
Hines, Christine Administrative Assistant Inter Merit Network $ 47,306.28 $ 0.00
Page: 2 of 12

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