List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Administrative Assistan 636
Maximum Salary:$ 90,955.04
Average Salary:$ 47,621.84
Minimum Salary:$ 29,609.58

2019-20 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 22
Name Title Department FTR GF
Bylica, Nancy Administrative Assistant Inter SRO Director's Office $ 90,955.04 $ 0.00
Overholser, Michelle M Administrative Assistant Sr ICPSR-Admin $ 77,326.83 $ 0.00
Printon, Stacie Elizabeth Administrative Assistant Sr COE EECS - ECE Division $ 74,500.00 $ 74,500.00
Hall, Patricia Ellis Administrative Assistant Sr SRC-Psid $ 72,719.25 $ 0.00
Root, Colleen K Administrative Assistant Sr CoE Research $ 72,406.00 $ 72,406.00
Maida, Deanna J Administrative Assistant Sr RCGD-Rsrch Cntr for Grp Dyn $ 71,916.00 $ 0.00
Wade, Stacy Anne Administrative Assistant Sr ROSS SCH Information Technolog $ 68,836.56 $ 68,836.68
Cope, Anne Administrative Assistant Sr ADVANCE Program $ 68,472.21 $ 54,777.84
Kulp, Bonnie Administrative Assistant Sr Athletics $ 68,250.00 $ 0.00
Flowers, Gina Administrative Assistant Sr Facilities Maintenance Dept $ 68,027.79 $ 45,238.48
Armistead, Diana Lynne Administrative Assistant Sr RCGD-Rsrch Cntr for Grp Dyn $ 67,730.00 $ 0.00
VanTuyl, Marjorie E Administrative Assistant Sr Registrar's Office $ 67,588.18 $ 67,588.18
Vernier, Ann M Administrative Assistant Inter SRO Project Design & Mgt. $ 67,250.99 $ 0.00
Princen, Carmencita C Administrative Assistant Sr Graham Sustainability Inst. $ 67,220.00 $ 62,514.60
Antal, Marsha A Administrative Assistant Sr School of Information $ 66,646.58 $ 59,981.92
Phagu, Priya Administrative Assistant Sr Office of Executive VP & CFO $ 66,306.00 $ 66,306.00
Boyle, Kristine Administrative Assistant Sr Registrar's Office $ 66,195.08 $ 66,195.08
Estell, Cynthia Administrative Assistant Sr EECS - CSE Division $ 65,737.88 $ 49,303.41
Eddy, Deborah K Administrative Assistant Sr Climate and Space Sciences Eng $ 65,337.00 $ 65,337.00
Hoelzer, Brenda L Administrative Assistant Sr Continuing Legal Education Ins $ 65,000.00 $ 0.00
Smola, Amy Administrative Assistant Sr Graduate School-IDPS $ 64,697.84 $ 32,348.92
Wicklund, Amy A Administrative Assistant Sr COE EECS - ECE Division $ 64,534.00 $ 64,534.00
Boehr, Lisa Administrative Assistant Sr LSA Psychology $ 64,010.65 $ 38,406.39
Laski, Susan M Administrative Assistant Sr DPSS U of M Police Dept $ 63,954.04 $ 0.00
Smola, Amy Administrative Assistant Sr Rackham Grad Prof & Acad Dev $ 63,774.62 $ 31,887.31
Hollandsworth, Nikki Leann Administrative Assistant Sr DPSS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT $ 63,654.00 $ 0.00
Lupi, Barbara Mahnke Administrative Assistant Sr Space Physics Research Lab $ 63,286.00 $ 63,286.00
Fuerstnau, Lynda J Administrative Assistant Sr Hlth Behavior & Hlth Ed Dept $ 63,187.00 $ 63,187.00
Simmons, Kimberly Ann Administrative Assistant Sr Utility Services $ 62,894.03 $ 0.00
Leon, Marian Administrative Assistant Sr Library Info Tech - General $ 62,343.42 $ 62,343.42
Page: 1 of 22

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