List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Administrative Assistan 514
Maximum Salary:$ 66,750.06
Average Salary:$ 38,568.21
Minimum Salary:$ 22,659.78

2006-07 University of Michigan SalariesPage 16 of 18
Name Title Department FTR GF
Owens, Kathleen M Administrative Assistant Assoc Central Administration $ 31,642.00 $ 0.00
Williams, Linda M Administrative Assistant Sr Office of Financial Aid $ 31,638.62 $ 31,638.62
Forsyth, Cynthia Louise Administrative Assistant Inter Housing-Info Technology $ 31,590.00 $ 0.00
Hollins, Marina J Administrative Assistant Assoc Admissions $ 31,567.64 $ 31,567.64
Schack, Joyce A Administrative Assistant Inter Dbn Henry Ford Estate $ 31,566.86 $ 0.00
Kisor, Mary C Administrative Assistant Inter Student Organizations $ 31,545.80 $ 0.00
Scott, Ann M Administrative Assistant Inter Sexual Assault Prev and Aware $ 31,517.98 $ 31,517.98
Xu, Lingjie Administrative Assistant Inter Alumni Association $ 31,454.54 $ 0.00
Brooks, Louise Administrative Assistant Inter Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs $ 31,453.24 $ 31,453.24
Uren, Sharon A Administrative Assistant Assoc Prosthodontics $ 31,372.90 $ 19,765.20
Smith, Tracy Lynn Administrative Assistant Sr Flint ITS $ 31,333.12 $ 31,333.12
Germinder, Geraldine L Administrative Assistant Inter FinOps Tax Res - Reporting $ 31,244.46 $ 20,308.90
Angeluski, Marie U Administrative Assistant Inter Flint Music $ 31,210.92 $ 31,210.92
Ottenbreit Jr, Gerald E Administrative Assistant Inter Dbn CASL-Armenian Research Ctr $ 31,049.98 $ 0.00
Gorlin, Stella Vera Administrative Assistant Assoc Ctr for Res on Learn - Teach $ 31,000.06 $ 31,000.06
Moore, Susan Anne Administrative Assistant Assoc LSA UG: Science Learning Ctr. $ 31,000.06 $ 31,000.06
Poma, Laura J Administrative Assistant Inter Office of the Plant Director $ 31,000.06 $ 0.00
Allen, Raylaunda M Administrative Assistant Inter Dbn Institutional Advancement $ 30,986.54 $ 30,986.54
Cowan, Tina M Administrative Assistant Inter Dbn Athletics - Recreation $ 30,936.10 $ 30,936.10
Clampit, Beverly Jean Administrative Assistant Assoc Materials Science - Engin. $ 30,899.96 $ 0.00
McCool, Emily K Administrative Assistant Assoc Michigan Television $ 30,824.56 $ 0.00
Ford, Terri B Administrative Assistant Assoc LSA Sweetland Writing Center $ 30,793.62 $ 30,793.62
Ruiz-Maskell, Rebeca Administrative Assistant Assoc LSA Asian Languages - Cultures $ 30,749.94 $ 30,749.94
Isbister, Kimberly A Administrative Assistant Inter Flint Institutional Analysis $ 30,725.24 $ 30,725.24
Hohn, Kathleen M Administrative Assistant Inter Flint Facilities Management $ 30,675.32 $ 30,675.32
Fischer, Cheryl Ann Administrative Assistant Inter FinOps Spon Prgs - Gen AR $ 30,587.18 $ 30,587.18
Brown, Jessica Jeanette Administrative Assistant Inter LSA Psychology $ 30,576.00 $ 30,576.00
McDermott, Michael D Administrative Assistant Inter Botanical Gardens - Arboretum $ 30,563.00 $ 30,563.00
Chandonnet, Cynthia G Administrative Assistant Sr Flint Office of Admissions $ 30,467.32 $ 30,467.32
Green, Jessica Mae Administrative Assistant Assoc ISR-Director-s Office $ 30,299.88 $ 0.00
Page: 16 of 18

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