List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Administrative Assistan 514
Maximum Salary:$ 66,750.06
Average Salary:$ 38,568.21
Minimum Salary:$ 22,659.78

2006-07 University of Michigan SalariesPage 1 of 18
Name Title Department FTR GF
Smith, Sheryl A Administrative Assistant Sr ROSS SCH Student Services $ 66,750.06 $ 66,750.06
Kerr, Joanne M Administrative Assistant Sr School of Information $ 61,618.70 $ 61,618.70
Dinsdale, Nancy A Administrative Assistant Sr AEC Administration $ 61,323.60 $ 0.00
Alberti, Karen L Administrative Assistant Sr ITCS-Merit Network $ 58,918.34 $ 0.00
Bylica, Nancy Administrative Assistant Inter SRO Director-s Office $ 58,297.72 $ 0.00
Rutledge, Jamie Administrative Assistant Sr CoE Administration $ 56,299.88 $ 56,299.88
Zahner, Cathy W Administrative Assistant Sr ICPSR-Archival Development $ 56,109.30 $ 0.00
Holman, Louise O Administrative Assistant Inter AEC Administration $ 55,729.96 $ 0.00
Younts, Rachael L Administrative Assistant Inter AVP-Individual Giving/Campaign $ 55,229.98 $ 55,229.98
Paulson, Mary Ellen Administrative Assistant Inter SRC-Administration $ 54,949.96 $ 0.00
Schaefer, Linda S Administrative Assistant Sr ROSS SCH Student Services $ 54,635.10 $ 54,635.10
Moreau, Susan P Administrative Assistant Sr CoE Research $ 53,777.36 $ 53,777.36
Osborne, Pamala A Administrative Assistant Sr School of Education $ 52,970.06 $ 52,970.06
Meyer, Patricia S Administrative Assistant Inter SRC-Studies of Youth $ 52,813.02 $ 0.00
Robinson, Venessa L Administrative Assistant Sr Office of the President $ 52,276.12 $ 52,276.12
Meyer, Joyce A Administrative Assistant Inter LSA Dean: Finance $ 51,799.28 $ 31,079.62
Teasdale, Katherine J Administrative Assistant Sr LSA English Language - Lit. $ 51,698.92 $ 51,698.92
Printon, Stacie Elizabeth Administrative Assistant Sr Elec Engr - Comp Sci $ 51,500.02 $ 51,500.02
Patterson, Jeanne C Administrative Assistant Sr Elec Engr - Comp Sci $ 51,173.72 $ 51,173.72
VanMeerbeeck, Lisa H Administrative Assistant Sr MAIS Fin/Phys CPU $ 51,157.08 $ 51,157.08
Jones, Beverly Jo Administrative Assistant Sr Graduate School Administration $ 50,720.02 $ 25,360.14
Fleming, Nancy Lynn Administrative Assistant Sr School of Education $ 50,515.14 $ 30,308.98
Trese, Linda L Administrative Assistant Inter OMS/HD $ 50,397.36 $ 10,079.42
Olsen, Elizabeth I Administrative Assistant Sr Elec Engr - Comp Sci $ 50,033.36 $ 50,033.36
Murray, Bonnie L Administrative Assistant Assoc ICPSR-User Support $ 49,747.10 $ 0.00
Bareis, Susan A Administrative Assistant Inter Office of Evaluations - Exam $ 49,657.14 $ 18,869.76
Fleming, Alfreda F Administrative Assistant Sr School of Education $ 49,520.12 $ 49,520.12
VanTuyl, Marjorie E Administrative Assistant Sr Registrar-s Office $ 49,515.96 $ 49,515.96
Melzian, Joy Administrative Assistant Inter School of Art and Design $ 49,360.48 $ 49,360.48
Passink, Mary L Administrative Assistant Sr Athletics $ 49,171.98 $ 0.00
Page: 1 of 18

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