List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Administrative Assistan 589
Maximum Salary:$ 84,230.00
Average Salary:$ 52,551.47
Minimum Salary:$ 34,999.90

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 2 of 20
Name Title Department FTR GF
Raiford, Tammy Lynn Administrative Assistant Sr DPSS MI MEDICINE SECURITY SERV $ 66,475.24 $ 0.00
Perez, Rebecca Administrative Assistant Sr Life Sciences Institute-Admin $ 65,977.50 $ 0.00
Reid, Kimberly D Administrative Assistant Inter Economic Growth Institute $ 65,888.37 $ 31,626.42
Lewandowski, Kimberly A Administrative Assistant Sr LSA Dean: Human Resources $ 65,825.59 $ 49,369.19
Jeffreys, Lisa L Administrative Assistant Sr VP for Communications $ 65,779.94 $ 39,467.96
Davis, Cherilyn A Administrative Assistant Sr Nuclear Eng & Radiological Sci $ 65,756.00 $ 65,756.00
Ball, Maxine M Administrative Assistant Sr FinOps Controller's Office $ 65,721.09 $ 65,721.09
Lamparter, Patti D Administrative Assistant Inter ROSS SCH Admin Core Team $ 65,685.67 $ 65,685.67
Osborn, Alison Administrative Assistant Sr UMOR Corp Research Alliances $ 65,520.00 $ 65,520.00
Olejniczak, Deborah A Administrative Assistant Sr Utility Services $ 65,315.30 $ 0.00
Coleman, Veretta Administrative Assistant Sr Rackham Dean's Office $ 65,232.90 $ 65,232.90
O'Connor, Cindy-Ann Claire Administrative Assistant Sr Library Info Tech - General $ 64,705.00 $ 64,705.00
Lovelace, Patricia Administrative Assistant Inter School of Nursing $ 64,574.88 $ 64,574.88
Reiff-Schramm, Renee Administrative Assistant Sr Office of Budget & Planning $ 64,480.00 $ 64,480.00
Brueger, Sheryl L Administrative Assistant Sr Civil & Environmental Engr $ 64,197.00 $ 64,197.00
Bernecker, Rachel Leah Administrative Assistant Sr Botanical Gardens & Arboretum $ 63,997.23 $ 63,997.23
Wagner-Mallory, Eileen M Administrative Assistant Sr Enterprise Fin Plan & Analysis $ 63,701.37 $ 63,701.37
Marian, Glen Brian Administrative Assistant Inter School of Nursing $ 63,640.26 $ 63,640.26
Crang, Diane Administrative Assistant Sr EECS - CSE Division $ 63,525.00 $ 53,996.25
Olsen, Jessica Administrative Assistant Sr Epidemiology Department $ 63,470.00 $ 63,470.00
McGehee, Meredith Administrative Assistant Sr Epidemiology Department $ 63,377.00 $ 47,532.75
Sheppard, Rhonda S Administrative Assistant Sr ITS SS Support Services $ 63,164.00 $ 63,164.00
Wolfgram, Madalyn Administrative Assistant Sr Aerospace Engineering $ 63,000.08 $ 63,000.00
McDonald, James Administrative Assistant Sr SRC-Administration $ 63,000.00 $ 0.00
Brown, Karen Ann Administrative Assistant Sr Mechanical Engineering $ 62,865.00 $ 62,865.00
Weideman, Meg Administrative Assistant Sr SRC-InnovationNetwrks&Knwldge $ 62,863.55 $ 0.00
Markey, Julie A Administrative Assistant Sr Residence Education $ 62,806.99 $ 0.00
Carr, Christa Lee Administrative Assistant Sr EECS - CSE Division $ 62,751.00 $ 62,751.00
Young, Cecilia E Administrative Assistant Sr Environmental Health Sciences $ 62,739.00 $ 62,739.00
York, Jessica Anne Administrative Assistant Sr Health Management and Policy $ 62,509.00 $ 62,509.00
Page: 2 of 20

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