List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Administrative Ass 560
Maximum Salary:$ 80,420.00
Average Salary:$ 49,065.68
Minimum Salary:$ 31,200.00

2021-22 University of Michigan SalariesPage 10 of 19
Name Title Department FTR GF
Partee, Lindsay Cole Administrative Assistant Sr Housing-Information $ 48,196.02 $ 0.00
Young, Linda A Administrative Assistant Sr Flint Chancellor's Office $ 48,128.00 $ 48,128.00
White, Miesha Administrative Assistant Sr Engin Ctr for Academic Success $ 48,087.00 $ 48,087.00
Rohde-Barbeau, Lisa Administrative Assistant Inter LSA Film Television and Media $ 48,023.78 $ 38,419.02
Carrillo, Nathan Administrative Assistant Inter SMTD University Productions $ 47,999.90 $ 48,000.00
Gay, Jennifer Administrative Assistant Inter SOE-Educational Studies $ 47,999.90 $ 36,000.00
Hayden, Stephen Administrative Assistant Sr School of Social Work $ 47,999.90 $ 48,000.00
Steiner, Cory Administrative Assistant Inter ICPSR - Education $ 47,978.06 $ 0.00
Steffes, Karen Administrative Assistant Sr DENT Patient Services $ 47,939.94 $ 0.00
Wolfe, Dawn Administrative Assistant Sr Registrar's Office $ 47,939.94 $ 47,940.00
Williams, Aletha Administrative Assistant Sr Dbn Information Technology Svc $ 47,939.84 $ 35,954.95
Sutton, Rachel Administrative Assistant Inter LSA History of Art $ 47,792.13 $ 47,792.12
Yang, Katherine Leigh Administrative Assistant Sr International Center $ 47,777.82 $ 44,194.48
VanAtta, Connie Administrative Assistant Inter School of Nursing $ 47,740.50 $ 47,740.50
Slackta, Patricia A Administrative Assistant Inter Flint Teaching Assistance $ 47,707.37 $ 47,707.37
Panik, Monica Administrative Assistant Sr Flint Development $ 47,706.80 $ 47,706.76
Harrison, Jennifer Administrative Assistant Inter School of Kinesiology $ 47,701.20 $ 47,701.14
Markotan, Katharine R Administrative Assistant Inter Dbn Col of Eng-Computer & Info $ 47,686.00 $ 47,686.00
McMahan, Kevin Administrative Assistant Sr Unions-Administration $ 47,660.08 $ 0.00
Bailey, Emily Jean Administrative Assistant Sr ROSS SCH Admin Core Team $ 47,633.85 $ 47,633.85
Weber, Megan Administrative Assistant Inter LSA Dean: Dean's Office $ 47,585.92 $ 47,585.92
Heyse, Daniel Administrative Assistant Inter ITS Enterprise App Svcs $ 47,542.00 $ 40,410.70
Mihic, Suzana Administrative Assistant Inter SRO-Data Collection Operations $ 47,508.79 $ 0.00
Summers, Natalie Administrative Assistant Sr ROSS SCH Faculty Support $ 47,508.79 $ 47,508.77
Fletcher, Leigh Administrative Assistant Sr COE EECS - ECE Division $ 47,500.18 $ 26,125.10
Wiley, Keith Administrative Assistant Inter LSA Psychology $ 47,499.92 $ 47,500.00
Heinzman, Marjorie G Administrative Assistant Inter ROSS SCH Faculty Support $ 47,491.92 $ 47,492.02
Hanson, Chelsea Administrative Assistant Sr CoE Ctr Eng Divers & Outrch $ 47,475.00 $ 47,475.00
Urbaniak, Amy Administrative Assistant Inter Univ Parking Svcs-Central Camp $ 47,382.32 $ 0.00
Guevara, Mark R Administrative Assistant Inter UM Children's Centers $ 47,370.00 $ 47,370.00
Page: 10 of 19

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