List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Administrative Ass 581
Maximum Salary:$ 74,255.94
Average Salary:$ 41,941.71
Minimum Salary:$ 23,970.10

2011-12 University of Michigan SalariesPage 9 of 20
Name Title Department FTR GF
Harris, Judith A Administrative Assistant Inter Dbn General - Aux Services $ 42,674.41 $ 8,534.86
Cypert, Leslie B Administrative Assistant Assoc CoE Office of Student Affairs $ 42,627.00 $ 26,641.94
Cordon, Kathleen M Administrative Assistant Inter Dbn Career Services $ 42,611.16 $ 42,611.14
Becker, Sheila K Administrative Assistant Inter FinOps Controller-#39;s Office $ 42,580.05 $ 42,579.94
Olson, Barbara Jean Administrative Assistant Inter HR Records - Info Services $ 42,570.00 $ 42,570.06
Sparkman, Julie B Administrative Assistant Inter LSA Development $ 42,566.00 $ 42,565.90
Huntington, Jennifer L Administrative Assistant Inter ROSS SCH Faculty Support $ 42,519.96 $ 42,519.88
Hopkins, Laura U Administrative Assistant Inter Epidemiology Department $ 42,500.12 $ 17,000.05
Pollock, Lisa Ann Administrative Assistant Inter AEC Project Management $ 42,494.99 $ 42,494.92
Brower, Claudette A Administrative Assistant Inter OSCR $ 42,436.65 $ 33,949.24
Durham, Linda Administrative Assistant Inter SRC-Life Course Development $ 42,436.24 $ 0.00
Skoczylas, Adam Administrative Assistant Sr CoE Office of Student Affairs $ 42,435.00 $ 42,435.12
Cifor, Laura Administrative Assistant Inter Div of Research Devel - Admin $ 42,364.00 $ 42,363.88
Anderson, Linda S Administrative Assistant Assoc LSA Psychology $ 42,329.00 $ 42,329.04
Hamilton, Rachael Renee' Administrative Assistant Inter UMTRI-Administration / Library $ 42,320.00 $ 36,818.35
Niepoth, Susan Elizabeth Administrative Assistant Sr Instructional Support Services $ 42,300.00 $ 42,299.92
Velner, John R Administrative Assistant Inter LSA Chemistry $ 42,246.04 $ 42,246.10
Clark, Sharon Louise Administrative Assistant Inter SOE-Educational Studies $ 42,240.00 $ 42,240.12
Larson, Jane Administrative Assistant Sr ArtsEngine $ 42,230.00 $ 42,229.98
Oliver, Barbara J Administrative Assistant Inter LSA UG: Science Learning Ctr. $ 42,177.00 $ 42,176.94
Garner-Jones, Danielle M Administrative Assistant Inter School of Nursing $ 42,023.98 $ 42,024.06
Wellwood, Deidre A Administrative Assistant Inter UM Children-s Centers $ 42,023.00 $ 0.00
Harkness, Katherine Administrative Assistant Sr School of Music $ 42,021.52 $ 42,021.46
Henry, Joan Ellen Administrative Assistant Sr Athletics $ 41,999.88 $ 0.00
Winters, Steven Administrative Assistant Sr Nuclear Eng - Radiological Sci $ 41,999.88 $ 41,999.88
Puckett, Jennifer Administrative Assistant Inter ISR-Director-#39;s Office $ 41,999.88 $ 0.00
Philion, Carolyn Administrative Assistant Inter ITCS-Merit Network $ 41,999.88 $ 0.00
Milliken, Angela A Administrative Assistant Inter LSA Physics $ 41,982.00 $ 25,189.16
Watkins, Debra Administrative Assistant Assoc Office of Technology Transfer $ 41,890.00 $ 41,889.90
Boyd, Sherry J Administrative Assistant Inter Dbn College of Eng-IDP $ 41,843.02 $ 41,843.10
Page: 9 of 20

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