List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Administrative Ass 581
Maximum Salary:$ 74,255.94
Average Salary:$ 41,941.71
Minimum Salary:$ 23,970.10

2011-12 University of Michigan SalariesPage 10 of 20
Name Title Department FTR GF
Hansen, Donna J Administrative Assistant Sr Svc/Students with Disabilities $ 41,837.06 $ 41,837.12
Wagner, Sara L Administrative Assistant Sr Registrar-s Office $ 41,810.80 $ 41,810.86
Matzinger, Shawna Lea Administrative Assistant Inter Epidemiology Department $ 41,775.00 $ 0.00
Lapansee, Linda J Administrative Assistant Inter Dbn Sch of Ed-Early Child Ed $ 41,738.84 $ 8,347.77
Ross, Ann L Administrative Assistant Inter HR Strategy - Planning $ 41,714.00 $ 20,856.94
Kahler, Peter Administrative Assistant Sr Athletics $ 41,600.00 $ 0.00
Martin, Rosalind Perry Administrative Assistant Sr Naval Arch - Marine Dept $ 41,600.00 $ 0.00
Pond, Bonnie L Administrative Assistant Inter UMTRI-Administration / Library $ 41,505.00 $ 41,505.10
Powers, Judith A Administrative Assistant Inter UM Children-s Centers $ 41,499.90 $ 0.00
Tomala, Suzan M Administrative Assistant Inter Dbn Office of Financial Aid $ 41,461.14 $ 41,461.16
Murphy, Sue A Administrative Assistant Inter Div of Research Devel - Admin $ 41,411.00 $ 41,410.98
Bankovich, Karen Marie Administrative Assistant Sr Dbn CASL College-Wide Programs $ 41,400.06 $ 33,120.10
Le, Maple Administrative Assistant Inter School of Kinesiology $ 41,400.00 $ 41,400.06
Mitchell, Xinyan Administrative Assistant Sr Intergroup Relations $ 41,387.11 $ 41,387.06
Van Auken, Peggy A Administrative Assistant Sr FinOps Controller-#39;s Office $ 41,381.02 $ 41,381.08
Salvner, Thomas G Administrative Assistant Sr Space Information $ 41,352.20 $ 0.00
Mohrbach, Mary B Administrative Assistant Assoc LSA Psychology $ 41,309.06 $ 37,880.41
Parker, Marie Administrative Assistant Inter Health Management and Policy $ 41,300.00 $ 0.00
LaCross, Nancy Jean Administrative Assistant Inter Univ Architect/Planner Office $ 41,239.67 $ 41,239.64
Polen, Michele A Administrative Assistant Inter Staff HR $ 41,233.92 $ 41,233.92
Petersen, Terri S Administrative Assistant Inter Assoc. V-P Facilities -Ops $ 41,153.65 $ 41,153.58
Hamilton, Susan A Administrative Assistant Assoc LSA Development $ 41,102.00 $ 41,102.10
Kelley, Duane A G Administrative Assistant Assoc ITS IS Campus Sites $ 41,096.00 $ 41,096.12
Iott, Kelly M Administrative Assistant Inter Risk Management $ 41,065.19 $ 0.00
Walsh, Jessica Administrative Assistant Inter DENT Ortho/Peds Dentistry $ 40,999.96 $ 40,999.92
Walton, Caitlin Administrative Assistant Assoc A. Alfred Taubman CA-UP Adm $ 40,999.92 $ 40,999.92
Lee, Angela Administrative Assistant Inter ITS AIS Fin/Phys $ 40,999.92 $ 20,499.96
Forsyth, Cynthia Louise Administrative Assistant Sr Central Administration $ 40,973.24 $ 0.00
Riley, Amy Administrative Assistant Inter Office of the President $ 40,900.08 $ 24,540.10
Buck, Mary Jean Administrative Assistant Inter HR Academic HR Services $ 40,900.00 $ 40,900.08
Page: 10 of 20

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