List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Admin asst inter 463
Maximum Salary:$ 69,484.15
Average Salary:$ 40,318.31
Minimum Salary:$ 25,459.20

2011-12 University of Michigan SalariesPage 14 of 16
Name Title Department FTR GF
Boetsch, Phillip Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Lab Animal Medicine Unit $ 34,999.90 $ 0.00
Fountain, Stacy J Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH Interventional Neph - Tech $ 34,999.90 $ 0.00
Klein, Trina Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Michigan MultiMedia (M3) $ 34,999.90 $ 0.00
Abbott, Sandra Lee Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH PMR IP OTPT Acute $ 34,970.86 $ 0.00
Blackman, Wendy Whitfield Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH MCIT Departmental Services $ 34,950.31 $ 0.00
Zucal, Erika L Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH MI Visiting Nurse Assoc $ 34,849.94 $ 0.00
Hoss, Emily Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Taubman Research Institute $ 34,800.74 $ 0.00
Zaret, Barbara Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Int Med-Geriatric Medicine $ 34,774.94 $ 0.00
Chambers, Shannon M Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Physical Medicine - Rehab Dept $ 34,774.88 $ 0.00
Barber, Chad Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH Social Work $ 34,679.94 $ 0.00
Koivu, Sheng Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Plastic Surgery Section $ 34,679.94 $ 0.00
Postma, Chris Johannes Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Otorhinolaryngology Department $ 34,557.54 $ 0.00
Young, Meghan Leigh Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Anesthesiology Department $ 34,446.56 $ 0.00
Popp, Catherine Ann Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH Contracts - Proc Admin $ 34,385.30 $ 0.00
Sanders, Rita Faye Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH Pm-R Rps-Split Fund $ 34,373.74 $ 0.00
Jividen Goff, Jill Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Pediatrics-Gastroenterology $ 34,337.46 $ 0.00
Aldridge, Allisa Yolande Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH Gen Med Taubman 3B Pro $ 34,329.96 $ 0.00
Olivero, Julie Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Int Med-Rheumatology $ 33,999.97 $ 0.00
Pritula, Lilly Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Pediatrics-Gastroenterology $ 33,925.06 $ 0.00
Hammontree, Charlene A Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH Electrodiagnostic Lab $ 33,888.58 $ 0.00
Gruca, Marta Maria Admin Asst Inter Healthcare GSA - Administration (GSA/ADM) $ 33,809.75 $ 0.00
Casto, Kimberly Dawn Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH Peds Administration $ 33,791.78 $ 0.00
Gaston, Zlanda Lolita Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Int Med-Cardiology $ 33,765.65 $ 0.00
Lunsford, Brenda L Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Physical Medicine - Rehab Dept $ 33,732.36 $ 0.00
Stringer, Mary K Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH Ophthy Clinic Control $ 33,572.46 $ 0.00
Deane, Courtney Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Pediatrics-Endocrinology $ 33,456.02 $ 0.00
Daniels, Joshua Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Postdoc Program $ 33,450.84 $ 0.00
Demlow, Daisy Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH Employee Health Svc $ 33,430.05 $ 0.00
Didyk, John Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH PMR IP OTPT Acute $ 33,380.92 $ 0.00
Neal-Mann, Jeremiah Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Urology Surgery $ 33,235.66 $ 0.00
Page: 14 of 16

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