List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Admin asst Sr healthcar 437
Maximum Salary:$ 77,465.19
Average Salary:$ 47,746.99
Minimum Salary:$ 36,500.10

2014-15 University of Michigan SalariesPage 13 of 15
Name Title Department FTR GF
Janevski, Silvana Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Int Med Pod C - Tech $ 42,382.86 $ 0.00
Poynter, Edith Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH TC Administration $ 42,318.27 $ 0.00
Shamou, Angela Marie Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Med Proc Unit - Tech $ 42,178.96 $ 0.00
Testorelli, Ashleigh Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Program Nsg Excellence $ 42,135.08 $ 0.00
Dobbins, Melissa A Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Care Management $ 42,126.59 $ 0.00
Gray, Jill A Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH 7C Cardiology $ 42,126.59 $ 0.00
Hines, Barbara Ann Admin Asst Sr Healthcare CW 10W - PCTU $ 42,126.59 $ 0.00
Shilander, Paula Graham Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Nurse Recruit./Career Dev. $ 42,126.59 $ 0.00
Olsson, Barbara Lynn Admin Asst Sr Healthcare CW Oper Room - Mott $ 42,047.04 $ 0.00
Weideman, Meg Donahue Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Emergency Medicine UM Adult $ 41,906.20 $ 0.00
McConnell, Laurel Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Central Staffing Resource $ 41,813.98 $ 0.00
Robertson, Lori Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Univ of Mich Cancer Center $ 41,615.63 $ 0.00
Novara, Allison Cress Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Social Work $ 41,590.37 $ 0.00
Bird, Cynthia Jean Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH TC Administration $ 41,506.36 $ 0.00
Bell, Kristina Maria Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH 7A-1 $ 41,488.29 $ 0.00
Drain, Sarah Beth Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Acute Hemodial - Tech $ 41,481.64 $ 0.00
Wilkins, Kimberly Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Nursing/Surg/Rehab $ 41,207.92 $ 0.00
Barber, Chad Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Social Work $ 40,980.81 $ 0.00
Brenneman, Lori A Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Cardiac Surgery VAD Prgm $ 40,899.96 $ 0.00
King, Laura Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Nursing Amb Care Admin $ 40,899.96 $ 0.00
Pilbeam, Katie Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Nursing Amb Care Admin $ 40,899.96 $ 0.00
Rable, Zachary Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Nursing Amb Care Admin $ 40,899.96 $ 0.00
Smutek, Kelly Austin Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Central Staffing Resource $ 40,895.97 $ 0.00
Thomason, Corrie Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Nursing 6C Pulmonary $ 40,877.10 $ 0.00
Tyahla, Marcia Sue Admin Asst Sr Healthcare CW 10W - PCTU $ 40,849.98 $ 0.00
Barnes, Christy Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Public Relations and Marketing $ 40,785.11 $ 0.00
Welsh, Melissa A Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Nursing - Cardiology/Med $ 40,756.40 $ 0.00
Berry, Mary Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Univ of Mich Cancer Center $ 40,699.96 $ 0.00
Coles, Yolanda D Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH CVC-Nursing Director $ 40,642.35 $ 0.00
Rowe, Candace G Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Pediatrics-Hematology/Oncology $ 40,618.42 $ 0.00
Page: 13 of 15

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