List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Admin Asst Sr Healthcare 434
Maximum Salary:$ 75,649.60
Average Salary:$ 45,085.56
Minimum Salary:$ 30,900.10

2010-11 University of Michigan SalariesPage 4 of 15
Name Title Department FTR GF
Beutler, Gayle L Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Nursing - Cardiology/Med $ 49,116.66 $ 0.00
Peat, Lindsey K Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Physical Medicine - Rehab Dept $ 48,896.26 $ 0.00
Meland, Abigail L Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Department of Radiology $ 48,883.94 $ 0.00
Klug, Suzanne Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH MCIT Infra - Sys Ops $ 48,801.46 $ 0.00
Hearing, Linda D Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Radiation Oncology $ 48,732.84 $ 0.00
Greene, Mary Elizabeth Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Pathology Department $ 48,615.30 $ 0.00
Bergeron, Patricia C Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Emergency Medicine UM Adult $ 48,595.52 $ 48,595.30
Cummins, Lisa E Admin Asst Sr Healthcare CTO- Administration $ 48,581.15 $ 0.00
Couchman, Cynthia D Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Amb Care-Infrastructure $ 48,447.16 $ 0.00
Newman, Beth Ann Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Emergency Medicine UM Adult $ 48,367.89 $ 45,949.41
Fredette, Vicki R Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Medical Education Admin $ 48,349.95 $ 4,834.99
Aseltine, Nancy L Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Psychiatry Child Services $ 48,306.57 $ 0.00
Martin, Dianna D Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Orthotics-Prosthetics Ctr $ 48,281.93 $ 0.00
Stone, Rebecca Jane Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Neurology Department $ 48,246.12 $ 0.00
Forbes, Kelley P Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Anesthesiology Department $ 48,204.00 $ 0.00
Fossum, Jennifer P Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Int Med-Hematology/Oncology $ 48,192.81 $ 6,024.10
Hammond, Catherine Sue Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH ACS Administrative Opers. $ 48,181.49 $ 0.00
Goerlitz, Suzanne M Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Vascular Access Team $ 48,128.21 $ 0.00
Collins, Kathleen Susan Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Nursing Administration $ 48,080.01 $ 0.00
Stratos, Nan M Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH 4B Surgical $ 48,080.01 $ 0.00
Patterson, Diane E Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Graduate Medical Education $ 48,031.70 $ 0.00
Kennedy, Joyce Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Pediatrics-Ambulatory Care Pgm $ 47,999.90 $ 0.00
Lipon, Suzanne Marie Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMHS Shared Srvcs PubRel-Mrktg $ 47,972.25 $ 0.00
Moing, Cassandra A Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Int Med-General Medicine $ 47,927.32 $ 13,898.93
Brandon, Esther I Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Anesthesiology Department $ 47,894.96 $ 0.00
Weller, Penny I Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH -Admissions Bed Coordinate $ 47,843.01 $ 0.00
Roehm, Jacki Lynn Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Nursing 6A $ 47,829.35 $ 0.00
Smith, Brenda Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Cancer Center Admin $ 47,745.21 $ 0.00
Wilcox, Roberta L Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Int Med-Cardiology $ 47,740.42 $ 0.00
Garnes, Lisa M Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Emergency Medicine UM Adult $ 47,670.01 $ 11,917.49
Page: 4 of 15

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