List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Admin Asst Sr Healthcare 428
Maximum Salary:$ 77,465.19
Average Salary:$ 45,987.86
Minimum Salary:$ 31,518.22

2011-12 University of Michigan SalariesPage 3 of 15
Name Title Department FTR GF
Sheets, Sharon K Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Nursing 6C Pulmonary $ 52,441.97 $ 0.00
Chanter, Carol A Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Anesthesiology Department $ 52,429.51 $ 0.00
Kelsey, Gail E Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Int Med-Gastroenterology $ 52,384.62 $ 0.00
Lipon, Suzanne Marie Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMHS Pub Rel - Mrktg $ 52,275.04 $ 0.00
Jelsomeno, Sandra G Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH MI Visiting Nurse Assoc $ 52,156.73 $ 0.00
Brown, Doloris Jean Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMHS Rev Cycle (PTO) $ 51,879.70 $ 0.00
Dennis, Tracy LJ Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Facilities $ 51,854.37 $ 0.00
Schaefer, Karen M Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Mich Inst for Clin - Hlth Resr $ 51,798.87 $ 51,798.76
Elam, Darlene L Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH TC Administration $ 51,729.05 $ 0.00
Stewart, Luann Marie Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Psychiatry Depression Center $ 51,687.48 $ 0.00
Wash, Julie Ann Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Nursing 6D Ccmu $ 51,649.82 $ 0.00
McFarland-Hinton, Rita L Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Patient Food/Nutr Svcs $ 51,610.57 $ 0.00
Polan, Susan M Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Chronic Hemod-Livonia $ 51,594.13 $ 0.00
Medley-Fields, Mary K Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Mi-Chart Project Support $ 51,433.09 $ 0.00
Varga, Pamela Sue Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Int Med-Gastroenterology $ 51,396.04 $ 0.00
Witherspoon, Tina M Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Nursing 6B Medicine $ 51,368.71 $ 0.00
Sherman, Joann L Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Int Med-Hematology/Oncology $ 51,325.54 $ 0.00
Peterson, Cheryl J Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Pediatric Surgery Section $ 51,247.07 $ 0.00
Meyers, Candace Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Gifts of Art $ 51,208.98 $ 0.00
Ellis, Cynthia Lynn Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Psych HlthSvc Outcome Research $ 51,029.52 $ 51,029.68
Nadeau, Ann Elizabeth Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Anesthesiology Department $ 51,000.08 $ 0.00
Bitterle, Diane L Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Social Work $ 50,900.10 $ 0.00
Raymond, Renee R Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Health Svc General Operations $ 50,839.00 $ 0.00
Turgyan, Barbara Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Int Med-Nephrology $ 50,802.84 $ 0.00
Girbach, Lynette J Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Neurology Department $ 50,764.58 $ 50,764.74
Kunzelman, Penny A Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH 8C General Surgery/Med $ 50,721.62 $ 0.00
Roma, Patricia L Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMHS Dev - Alumni Relations $ 50,543.90 $ 0.00
Kitchen, Lorie A Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Security Services $ 50,530.68 $ 0.00
Peat, Lindsey K Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Physical Medicine - Rehab Dept $ 50,118.79 $ 0.00
Mulholland, Jeanne M Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Plastic Surgery Section $ 50,115.94 $ 0.00
Page: 3 of 15

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