List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Admin Asst Inter Heal 507
Maximum Salary:$ 64,160.98
Average Salary:$ 38,538.27
Minimum Salary:$ 26,987.48

2009-10 University of Michigan SalariesPage 11 of 17
Name Title Department FTR GF
Feltner, Roberta E Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Urology Surgery $ 37,080.16 $ 0.00
Finch, Natalie D Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Urology Surgery $ 37,080.16 $ 2,966.41
Griswold, Diana Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Int Med-Cardiology $ 37,080.16 $ 0.00
Harris, April E Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Univ of Mich Cancer Center $ 37,080.16 $ 15,063.82
Meredith, Patricia J Admin Asst Inter Healthcare MSA Institutional Review Board $ 37,080.16 $ 0.00
Sackett, Donna Jean Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH Gen Surg Clinic - Tech $ 37,080.16 $ 0.00
Seaman, Lora Lynn Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Urology Surgery $ 37,080.16 $ 0.00
Woodruff, Julie Anne Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Biological Chemistry Dept $ 37,080.16 $ 37,080.16
Sitz, Rebecca Reid Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH Pharmacy Administration $ 37,079.90 $ 0.00
Hawkins, Sandra R Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH Infection Control $ 37,050.00 $ 0.00
Taylor, Beth Anne Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Psych Substance Abuse $ 37,008.66 $ 37,008.66
Graf, Janet Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Int Med-Geriatrics Center $ 37,000.08 $ 29,600.06
Paluck, Andrea Marie Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Psychiatry-Neuropsychology $ 37,000.08 $ 0.00
Reinhold, Michelle Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Int Med-Geriatrics Center $ 37,000.08 $ 0.00
Savory, Ann Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Pathology Department $ 37,000.08 $ 0.00
Jackson, Shannon Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Urology Surgery $ 36,997.74 $ 0.00
Moss, Pamela Diane Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Vascular Surgery Section $ 36,997.74 $ 0.00
England, Valerie R Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH Environmental Svcs - Admin $ 36,994.62 $ 0.00
Perrault, Carol Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Psych Labs and Bioinformatics $ 36,991.50 $ 36,991.50
Guess, Jennifer Mae Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Radiology Department $ 36,910.12 $ 0.00
Shepard, Shari Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Int Med-Geriatrics Center $ 36,816.00 $ 0.00
Meissner, Jennifer Lynn Admin Asst Inter Healthcare DENT Oral Surgery @ HospClinic $ 36,800.14 $ 0.00
Kawala, Christina Kay Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Univ of Mich Cancer Center $ 36,792.08 $ 0.00
Kovac, Kristine M Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH Bmg Primary Care Prof $ 36,789.48 $ 0.00
Woodford, Donna Leah-Burch Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH Diabetic Edu Program-BW2 $ 36,785.58 $ 0.00
Gohl, Jeanette M Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH Surg/Necropsy Trans $ 36,774.66 $ 0.00
Kruise, Carol S Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Radiology Department $ 36,766.08 $ 0.00
Jenkins, Monica M Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH Food Procure/Production $ 36,749.96 $ 0.00
White, Patricia L Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH Biomed $ 36,746.84 $ 0.00
Koivupalo, Laurie J Admin Asst Inter Healthcare MSA Office of Student Pgms $ 36,681.06 $ 22,008.64
Page: 11 of 17

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