List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: Admin A 941
Maximum Salary:$ 75,649.60
Average Salary:$ 41,882.46
Minimum Salary:$ 24,960.00

2010-11 University of Michigan SalariesPage 9 of 32
Name Title Department FTR GF
Cooper, Diane M Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH Safety Management Services $ 45,791.12 $ 0.00
Stites, Heather A Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Metabolism Endo - Diabetes $ 45,758.45 $ 0.00
Roberts, Rebecca Kay Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Clinical Lab Admin $ 45,700.94 $ 0.00
Cook, Belinda M Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Family Medicine $ 45,695.79 $ 45,695.78
Konkle Mays, Robin D Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Psych HlthSvc Outcome Research $ 45,675.02 $ 0.00
Shaw, Sheryl Ann Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Team 4 Cancer Center $ 45,621.58 $ 0.00
Earl, Vickie A Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH Radiation Oncology $ 45,618.93 $ 0.00
Soter, Patricia L Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Urology Surgery $ 45,618.93 $ 0.00
Brothers, Lisa R Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Home Med Admin $ 45,508.20 $ 0.00
Riggs, Janet Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Neurology Department $ 45,490.90 $ 0.00
Bowles, Melissa G Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Cancer Center Admin $ 45,470.50 $ 0.00
Garwood, Tasha J Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Urology Surgery $ 45,461.19 $ 22,730.50
Stephens, Marline M Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Nursing 4D Neuro ICU $ 45,457.44 $ 0.00
Fisher, Jean H Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Cancer Center Admin $ 45,433.50 $ 0.00
Vitous, Susan M Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Ophthalmology - Visual Science $ 45,422.36 $ 0.00
Pagan-Rohwer, Aileen M Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Urology Surgery $ 45,382.99 $ 0.00
Reitenga, Pamela Louise Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Radiation Oncology - Ann Arbor $ 45,365.59 $ 45,365.58
Bugis, Rose M Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Ophthalmology - Visual Science $ 45,359.43 $ 0.00
Murphy, Ann Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Int Med-Infectious Diseases $ 45,355.80 $ 0.00
Babcock, Stacy L Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Emergency Medicine Admin $ 45,348.18 $ 0.00
Watson, Donna M Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Neurology Department $ 45,323.01 $ 45,322.94
Thomas, Catricia Brown Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH CC Marketing $ 45,284.69 $ 22,642.36
Bowdler, Jill R Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Family Medicine $ 45,244.27 $ 45,244.16
McGovern, Connie S Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Neurosurgery $ 45,223.65 $ 0.00
Diemer, Deborah A Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH QI Customer Satisfaction $ 45,220.32 $ 0.00
Brown, Barbara R Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Pediatrics-Cardiology $ 45,168.82 $ 0.00
Crilly, Christine E Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Ophthalmology - Visual Science $ 45,118.94 $ 0.00
Provenza, Guy A Admin Asst Sr Healthcare UMH Community Health $ 45,116.51 $ 0.00
Moenart, Ann M Admin Asst Inter Healthcare UMH Pediatric Trauma $ 45,088.95 $ 0.00
Rucinski, Sharon A Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Child Behavioral Health $ 45,081.26 $ 0.00
Page: 9 of 32

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