List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: ASST PROFESSOR 922
Maximum Salary:$ 305,882.00
Average Salary:$ 112,444.62
Minimum Salary:$ 56,000.00

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 16 of 31
Name Title Department FTR GF
Pan, Yulin ASST PROFESSOR Naval Arch - Marine Dept $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00
Shiraito, Yuki ASST PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00
Han, Peisong ASST PROFESSOR Biostatistics Department $ 99,900.00 $ 84,915.00
Costa, Deena ASST PROFESSOR School of Nursing $ 99,820.62 $ 4,991.03
Austin-Breneman, Jesse Laurent ASST PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 99,662.00 $ 99,662.00
Jones, Lenette Michelle ASST PROFESSOR School of Nursing $ 99,450.00 $ 99,450.00
Jayaraman, Tanjore V ASST PROFESSOR Dbn Coll of Eng-Mechanical Eng $ 99,380.00 $ 99,380.00
Temin, David Myer ASST PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 99,294.00 $ 99,294.00
Kanapathipillai, Mathumai ASST PROFESSOR Dbn Coll of Eng-Mechanical Eng $ 99,285.00 $ 99,285.00
Weiland, Christina Jo ASST PROFESSOR SOE-Educational Studies $ 99,224.84 $ 63,206.22
Esquivel, Amanda Olivia ASST PROFESSOR Dbn Coll of Eng-Mechanical Eng $ 99,214.00 $ 99,214.00
Baek, Stanley Seunghoon ASST PROFESSOR Dbn Col of Eng-Electric - Comp $ 99,147.00 $ 99,147.00
Su, Wencong ASST PROFESSOR Dbn Col of Eng-Electric - Comp $ 99,107.00 $ 99,107.00
Apostolides, Pierre Francois ASST PROFESSOR Otorhinolaryngology Department $ 99,000.00 $ 0.00
Capecelatro, Jesse Samuel ASST PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 98,759.00 $ 91,352.08
Cooper, Daniel Ross ASST PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 98,759.00 $ 98,759.00
Fan, Yue ASST PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 98,759.00 $ 98,759.00
Jia, Bochen ASST PROFESSOR Dbn Col of Eng-Indust - Sys En $ 98,688.00 $ 98,688.00
Masoud, Neda ASST PROFESSOR Civil - Environmental Engr $ 98,566.00 $ 98,566.00
Bala Chandran, Rohini ASST PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 98,518.00 $ 98,518.00
Huan, Xun ASST PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 98,500.00 $ 98,500.00
Tol, Serife ASST PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 98,500.00 $ 98,500.00
Towne, Aaron S ASST PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 98,500.00 $ 98,500.00
Baucom, Regina S ASST PROFESSOR LSA Ecology - Evolutionary Bio $ 98,450.00 $ 98,450.00
Cieslik, Marcin Piotr ASST PROFESSOR Pathology Department $ 98,000.00 $ 0.00
Lowande, Kenneth Scott ASST PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 98,000.00 $ 98,000.00
Maffioli, Elisa Maria ASST PROFESSOR Health Management and Policy $ 98,000.00 $ 98,000.00
Payne, Ashley Elizabeth ASST PROFESSOR COE Climate - Space $ 98,000.00 $ 98,000.00
Rawashdeh, Samir ASST PROFESSOR Dbn Col of Eng-Electric - Comp $ 97,820.00 $ 97,820.00
Ayoub, Georges Yaacoub ASST PROFESSOR Dbn Col of Eng-Indust - Sys En $ 97,672.00 $ 97,672.00
Page: 16 of 31

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