List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: ASST PROF 915
Maximum Salary:$ 278,505.00
Average Salary:$ 114,130.60
Minimum Salary:$ 46,539.79

2019-20 University of Michigan SalariesPage 22 of 31
Name Title Department FTR GF
Eban-Rothschild, Ada Diane ASST PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 86,353.20 $ 86,353.20
Rothschild, Gideon ASST PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 86,353.20 $ 86,353.20
Samford, Steven Eric ASST PROFESSOR LSA Organizational Studies $ 86,351.00 $ 86,351.00
Dua, Jatin ASST PROFESSOR LSA Anthropology $ 86,134.00 $ 86,134.00
Rosario-Ramos, Enid Marie ASST PROFESSOR SOE-Educational Studies $ 86,017.47 $ 68,813.98
Sethi, Janum ASST PROFESSOR LSA Philosophy $ 85,985.00 $ 85,985.00
Rodriguez, Awilda ASST PROFESSOR SOE-CSHPE $ 85,898.13 $ 68,718.50
Vesia, Michael ASST PROFESSOR School of Kinesiology $ 85,724.33 $ 9,429.68
Kwon, Sung Eun ASST PROFESSOR LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 85,686.00 $ 85,686.00
Desai, Manan R ASST PROFESSOR LSA American Culture $ 85,620.00 $ 85,620.00
Dude Duhaime, Melissa B ASST PROFESSOR LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 85,586.00 $ 85,586.00
Kile, Sarah E ASST PROFESSOR LSA Asian Languages & Cultures $ 85,500.00 $ 85,500.00
Li, Ming ASST PROFESSOR Flint Engineering $ 85,483.90 $ 85,483.90
Buis, Lorraine R Asst Professor School of Information $ 85,277.24 $ 21,320.00
Zaman, Luis ASST PROFESSOR LSA Complex Systems $ 85,000.00 $ 42,500.00
Zaman, Luis ASST PROFESSOR LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 85,000.00 $ 42,500.00
Saleem, Muniba ASST PROFESSOR LSA Communication and Media $ 84,991.00 $ 84,991.00
Abner, Natasha Renee ASST PROFESSOR LSA Linguistics $ 84,950.00 $ 84,950.00
Hussain, Muzammil Mohammed ASST PROFESSOR LSA Communication and Media $ 84,945.00 $ 84,945.00
Sant, Stacy-Lynn Roanna ASST PROFESSOR School of Kinesiology $ 84,918.55 $ 84,918.55
Winger, Benjamin ASST PROFESSOR LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 84,900.00 $ 84,900.00
Murdoch-Kitt, Kelly Michelle ASST PROFESSOR Stamps School of Art & Design $ 84,892.05 $ 84,892.05
Allgeier, Jacob ASST PROFESSOR LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 84,886.00 $ 84,886.00
Stover, Mark ASST PROFESSOR School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 84,824.93 $ 84,824.93
DeBord, Jason P ASST PROFESSOR School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 84,701.33 $ 84,701.33
Oh, Se-Mi ASST PROFESSOR LSA Asian Languages & Cultures $ 84,120.00 $ 84,120.00
Thurman, Kira ASST PROFESSOR LSA Germanic Languages & Lit. $ 84,000.00 $ 0.00
Thurman, Kira ASST PROFESSOR LSA History $ 84,000.00 $ 0.00
Allison, Mark ASST PROFESSOR Flint Computer Science $ 83,907.96 $ 83,907.96
Alhosban, Amal ASST PROFESSOR Flint Computer Science $ 83,702.31 $ 83,702.31
Page: 22 of 31

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