List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: ASSOC PROFES 996
Maximum Salary:$ 296,997.00
Average Salary:$ 118,392.81
Minimum Salary:$ 60,043.00

2015-16 University of Michigan SalariesPage 29 of 34
Name Title Department FTR GF
Pearson, Sheryl S ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn-LiteraturePhilosophyandArts $ 79,101.00 $ 79,101.00
Clej, Alina M ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Comparative Literature $ 79,000.00 $ 39,500.00
Clej, Alina M ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Romance Languages and Lit. $ 79,000.00 $ 39,500.00
Fournier, Karen Jeanne ASSOC PROFESSOR School of MusicTheatreandDance $ 78,965.00 $ 78,965.00
Castro, Christi-Anne ASSOC PROFESSOR School of MusicTheatreandDance $ 78,950.00 $ 78,950.00
Bandyopadhyay, Krisanu ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Physical Sciences $ 78,929.02 $ 78,929.00
Hymes, Robert W ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Psychology $ 78,912.11 $ 78,912.10
Sanjian, Ara ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Social Sciences $ 78,802.91 $ 39,401.50
Fitzpatrick, Kate Rebecca ASSOC PROFESSOR School of MusicTheatreandDance $ 78,417.00 $ 78,417.00
Napieralski, Jacob A ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Physical Sciences $ 78,400.22 $ 78,400.20
Waung, Marie P ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Psychology $ 78,389.05 $ 78,389.10
Aleksic, Tatjana ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Comparative Literature $ 78,246.00 $ 39,123.00
Aleksic, Tatjana ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Slavic Languages and Lit. $ 78,246.00 $ 39,123.00
Herbert, Daniel Chilcote ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Screen Arts and Cultures $ 78,179.00 $ 78,179.00
Doris, David T ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA History of Art $ 77,874.00 $ 38,937.00
Doris, David T ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA DAAS $ 77,873.82 $ 38,936.90
Khagi, Sofya ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Slavic Languages and Lit. $ 77,682.00 $ 77,682.00
Scarlatta, Maria Gabriella ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn-Language Culture Communctn $ 77,652.00 $ 19,413.00
Hong, Seong Bock ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CEHHS Education-OPERATIONS $ 77,556.56 $ 58,167.40
McAuslan, Pamela A ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Psychology $ 77,532.05 $ 77,532.10
Snabb, Thomas E ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Math and Statistics $ 77,243.11 $ 77,243.10
Blumner, Jacob S ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint English $ 77,097.05 $ 77,097.10
Luera, Gail Rose ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CEHHS Education-OPERATIONS $ 77,057.40 $ 77,057.40
Wilson, Robin M ASSOC PROFESSOR School of MusicTheatreandDance $ 77,023.00 $ 77,023.00
Adler, Martha A ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CEHHS Education-OPERATIONS $ 77,007.98 $ 77,008.00
Tischler, Jessica L ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint Dept of Chem/Biochem $ 76,939.66 $ 76,939.70
Hughes, Diane Owen ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA History $ 76,876.00 $ 76,876.00
Seipke, Heather L ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint Comm and Visual Arts $ 76,824.87 $ 76,824.90
Skadsem, Julie Ann ASSOC PROFESSOR School of MusicTheatreandDance $ 76,735.00 $ 76,735.00
Chatkoff, David K ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn CASL-Psychology $ 76,627.07 $ 76,627.10
Page: 29 of 34

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