List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: ASSOC PROFES 1061
Maximum Salary:$ 327,008.00
Average Salary:$ 127,782.92
Minimum Salary:$ 62,386.00

2019-20 University of Michigan SalariesPage 14 of 36
Name Title Department FTR GF
Robinson, Leah Elizabeth ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Kinesiology $ 128,400.60 $ 89,880.42
Gallo, Elena ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Astronomy $ 128,391.00 $ 112,984.08
Jutkiewicz, Emily M ASSOC PROFESSOR Pharmacology Department $ 128,361.00 $ 60,958.64
Madhyastha, Harsha ASSOC PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 128,325.00 $ 109,076.25
Larson, Cathy ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint Physical Therapy $ 128,320.19 $ 102,656.15
Bares, Cristina ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Social Work $ 128,314.86 $ 128,314.86
Kessentini, Marouane ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn Col of Eng-Computer & Info $ 128,274.00 $ 128,274.00
Saint Arnault, Denise M ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Nursing $ 128,242.34 $ 128,242.34
Cho, Uhn-Soo ASSOC PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 128,087.00 $ 102,469.60
Ozay, Necmiye ASSOC PROFESSOR COE EECS - ECE Division $ 128,000.00 $ 64,000.51
Wobus, Christiane E ASSOC PROFESSOR Microbiology and Immunology $ 127,941.01 $ 61,411.68
Jamin, Sugih ASSOC PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 127,770.00 $ 127,770.00
Newman, Carrie ASSOC PROFESSOR Pharmacology Department $ 127,738.00 $ 33,454.58
Ciorciari, John David ASSOC PROFESSOR G. Ford Sc Pub Pol $ 127,699.00 $ 127,699.00
Revzen, Shai ASSOC PROFESSOR COE EECS - ECE Division $ 127,639.00 $ 114,875.10
Sundararaghavan, Veera ASSOC PROFESSOR Aerospace Engineering $ 127,500.00 $ 108,375.00
Lopatin, Anatoli N ASSOC PROFESSOR Molec & Integrative Physiology $ 127,479.00 $ 63,739.50
Maitra, Ishani ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Philosophy $ 127,392.00 $ 127,392.00
Canman, Christine E ASSOC PROFESSOR Pharmacology Department $ 127,324.44 $ 70,665.45
Bieri, Lydia ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Mathematics $ 127,287.00 $ 127,287.00
Shen, Siqian May ASSOC PROFESSOR Industrial & Operations Engin $ 127,200.00 $ 114,480.00
Fu, Jianping ASSOC PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 127,027.00 $ 107,972.95
Nagrath, Sunitha ASSOC PROFESSOR Chemical Engineering Dept $ 127,000.00 $ 127,000.00
Meza Rodriguez, Rafael ASSOC PROFESSOR Epidemiology Department $ 126,925.00 $ 0.00
Anantharam, Arun ASSOC PROFESSOR Pharmacology Department $ 126,877.00 $ 95,157.75
Min, Brian K ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 126,846.00 $ 126,846.00
Cutler, James W ASSOC PROFESSOR Aerospace Engineering $ 126,796.00 $ 126,796.00
Zekkos, Dimitrios ASSOC PROFESSOR Civil & Environmental Engr $ 126,690.00 $ 120,355.50
Friedline, Terri Lee ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Social Work $ 126,541.25 $ 88,578.88
Lastoskie, Christian M ASSOC PROFESSOR Civil & Environmental Engr $ 126,451.00 $ 74,062.35
Page: 14 of 36

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