List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: ASSOC PROF 1017
Maximum Salary:$ 319,030.88
Average Salary:$ 125,693.63
Minimum Salary:$ 48,000.00

2018-19 University of Michigan SalariesPage 8 of 34
Name Title Department FTR GF
Keegan, Catherine Elizabeth H ASSOC PROFESSOR Pediatrics-Genetics $ 153,103.00 $ 9,951.70
Gold, Katherine Jo ASSOC PROFESSOR Family Medicine $ 152,581.79 $ 0.00
Freeman, Lee A ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn Col of Bus-Mgmt Studies $ 152,557.68 $ 152,557.68
Kozloff, Kenneth Michael ASSOC PROFESSOR Orthopaedic Surgery $ 152,442.50 $ 0.00
Sampson, Matthew Gordon ASSOC PROFESSOR Pediatrics-Nephrology $ 152,339.00 $ 3,046.78
Heys, Ronald J ASSOC PROFESSOR DENTCariologyRestor Sci -Endo $ 152,015.27 $ 91,209.16
Adar, Eytan ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Information $ 151,570.00 $ 151,570.00
Ang, Yuen Yuen ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 151,473.00 $ 0.00
Douglas, Julie Ann ASSOC PROFESSOR Human Genetics Department $ 150,984.00 $ 34,726.32
Tall, Gregory G ASSOC PROFESSOR Pharmacology Department $ 150,972.80 $ 75,486.40
Grembecka, Jolanta E ASSOC PROFESSOR Pathology Department $ 150,972.00 $ 0.00
Cierpicki, Tomasz ASSOC PROFESSOR Pathology Department $ 150,972.00 $ 0.00
Newman, Mark W ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Information $ 150,430.00 $ 150,430.00
Kidd, Jeffrey ASSOC PROFESSOR Human Genetics Department $ 150,277.60 $ 90,166.56
Wang, Zhong ASSOC PROFESSOR Cardiac Surgery $ 150,229.92 $ 0.00
Xu, Zhaohui ASSOC PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 150,140.00 $ 75,070.00
Collins-Thompson, Kevyn ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Information $ 150,014.00 $ 150,014.00
DiFeo, Analisa ASSOC PROFESSOR Pathology Department $ 150,000.00 $ 0.00
Chen, Yi-Su ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn Col of Bus-Mgmt Studies $ 149,688.03 $ 149,688.03
Staller, Karen M ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Social Work $ 149,622.23 $ 149,622.23
Willer, Cristen J ASSOC PROFESSOR Int Med-Cardiology $ 149,609.30 $ 0.00
Piatt, Gretchen A ASSOC PROFESSOR DLHS Division of LKS $ 149,350.00 $ 89,610.00
Veinot, Tiffany ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Information $ 149,350.00 $ 134,415.00
Marquis, Emmanuelle ASSOC PROFESSOR Materials Science - Engin. $ 148,500.00 $ 66,825.00
Dahmer, Mary ASSOC PROFESSOR Pediatrics-Intensive Care $ 148,263.00 $ 0.00
Reed, Beth Glover ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Social Work $ 148,251.56 $ 74,125.78
Somers, Emily Catherine ASSOC PROFESSOR Int Med-Rheumatology $ 147,770.20 $ 0.00
Cheng, Wei ASSOC PROFESSOR PHARMACY Pharmaceutical Sci $ 147,707.00 $ 110,780.25
Pai, Manjunath Prakash ASSOC PROFESSOR Clinical Pharmacy $ 147,590.00 $ 59,036.00
Pai, Amy Elizabeth ASSOC PROFESSOR Clinical Pharmacy $ 147,590.00 $ 73,795.00
Page: 8 of 34

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