List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: ASSOC PROF 998
Maximum Salary:$ 275,000.00
Average Salary:$ 113,904.07
Minimum Salary:$ 56,000.00

2013-14 University of Michigan SalariesPage 11 of 34
Name Title Department FTR GF
Blume, Brian D ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint School of Management $ 120,810.14 $ 120,810.14
Armstrong, Elizabeth Ann ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Sociology $ 120,777.33 $ 90,583.00
Armstrong, Elizabeth Ann ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Organizational Studies $ 120,777.00 $ 30,194.25
Olson, Terese M ASSOC PROFESSOR Civil & Environmental Engr $ 120,720.00 $ 114,684.00
Seidler, Rachael D ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 120,626.00 $ 18,093.90
Canman, Christine E ASSOC PROFESSOR Pharmacology Department $ 120,601.00 $ 108,540.90
Atkins, Ella Marie ASSOC PROFESSOR Aerospace Engineering $ 120,510.00 $ 120,510.00
Zubrzycki, Genevieve ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Sociology $ 120,275.00 $ 120,275.00
Erickson, Steven R ASSOC PROFESSOR PHARMACY Clin Soc & Admin Sci $ 120,251.00 $ 120,251.00
Cavusgil, Erin ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint School of Management $ 120,201.00 $ 120,201.00
Flinn, Jason Nelson ASSOC PROFESSOR COE EECS - CSE Division $ 120,000.00 $ 114,000.00
Zurek, Kathryn ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 120,000.00 $ 120,000.00
Elias, Carol ASSOC PROFESSOR Molec & Integrative Physiology $ 120,000.00 $ 54,000.00
Palfey, Bruce Allan ASSOC PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 119,771.37 $ 109,794.41
Lampe, Clifford A ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Information $ 119,711.00 $ 119,711.00
Larkin, Lisa M ASSOC PROFESSOR Molec & Integrative Physiology $ 119,159.05 $ 83,411.34
Vojtek, Anne B ASSOC PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 119,135.12 $ 119,135.12
Shtein, Max ASSOC PROFESSOR Materials Science & Engin. $ 118,919.00 $ 107,027.10
Putnam, Andrew James ASSOC PROFESSOR Biomedical Engineering $ 118,918.00 $ 109,404.56
Nichols, Ruthann ASSOC PROFESSOR Biological Chemistry Dept $ 118,722.83 $ 118,722.83
Borgnakke, Claus ASSOC PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 118,703.00 $ 100,897.55
Barolo, Scott E ASSOC PROFESSOR Cell and Developmental Biology $ 118,683.00 $ 86,637.40
Marrs, Carl F ASSOC PROFESSOR Epidemiology Department $ 118,605.00 $ 111,488.70
Ellison, Nicole ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Information $ 118,560.00 $ 118,560.00
Fan, Xudong ASSOC PROFESSOR Biomedical Engineering $ 118,500.00 $ 115,537.50
McCullagh, Marjorie Ellen ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Nursing $ 118,450.00 $ 59,225.00
Saint Arnault, Denise M ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Nursing $ 118,450.00 $ 106,605.00
Arnedt, John Todd ASSOC PROFESSOR Psychiatry Department $ 118,373.00 $ 11,600.55
Brown, Susan H ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Kinesiology $ 118,033.29 $ 118,033.29
Grbic, Anthony ASSOC PROFESSOR COE EECS - ECE Division $ 118,000.00 $ 118,000.00
Page: 11 of 34

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