List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: ASSOC PROF 1026
Maximum Salary:$ 355,494.80
Average Salary:$ 139,239.43
Minimum Salary:$ 47,200.22

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 7 of 35
Name Title Department FTR GF
Bruch, Elizabeth Eve ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Sociology $ 175,557.00 $ 87,778.50
Freddolino, Peter Louis ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Biological Chemistry Dept $ 174,526.29 $ 43,055.64
Gold, Katherine Jo ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Family Medicine $ 174,293.00 $ 0.00
Kresty, Laura Ann ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Thoracic Surgery Section $ 173,879.45 $ 0.00
Hemphill, Libby Marie ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Information $ 173,800.00 $ 86,900.00
Cohn, Alain David ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Information $ 173,312.88 $ 173,312.88
Budak, Ceren ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Information $ 173,282.55 $ 86,641.28
Dillahunt, Tawanna Ruth ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Information $ 172,970.72 $ 34,594.14
DiFeo, Analisa ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Pathology Department $ 172,952.45 $ 0.00
Adar, Eytan ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Information $ 172,735.68 $ 172,735.68
Hassett, Afton ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Anesthesiology Department $ 172,661.48 $ 0.00
Lyssiotis, Costas Andreas ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Molec & Integratv Physiolog $ 172,499.25 $ 18,629.92
Ferguson, David O ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Pathology Department $ 172,238.22 $ 0.00
Welch, Joshua ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Comp Med and Bioinformatics $ 172,000.00 $ 9,460.00
Platt, Jodyn Elizabeth ASSOC PROFESSOR MM DLHS Division of LKS $ 172,000.00 $ 34,400.00
Dorsch, Michael Patrick ASSOC PROFESSOR PHARMACY Clinical Pharmacy $ 171,885.00 $ 22,345.05
Kobelsky, Kevin ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn Col of Bus-Acctg & Finance $ 171,685.61 $ 171,685.61
Sekiguchi, Joann ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Human Genetics Department $ 171,618.93 $ 171,618.93
Li, Zhaochu ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint School of Management $ 171,411.39 $ 171,411.39
Gilbert, Eric Edmund ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Information $ 171,392.00 $ 85,696.00
Brenner, John Chad ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Otolaryngology - HNS $ 170,609.40 $ 8,530.47
Liu, Fei ASSOC PROFESSOR DENT Prosthodontics $ 170,536.72 $ 170,536.72
Collins-Thompson, Kevyn ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Information $ 170,465.36 $ 170,465.36
Kitzman, Jacob ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Human Genetics Department $ 170,363.00 $ 131,179.51
Wagner, Robert Brent ASSOC PROF EMERITUS/A School of MusicTheatre&Dance $ 170,362.50 $ 85,181.25
Tall, Gregory G ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Pharmacology Department $ 169,776.96 $ 83,190.71
Sasaki, Hajime ASSOC PROFESSOR DENTCariologyRestor Sci &Endo $ 169,388.07 $ 150,755.38
Garner, Amanda Lee ASSOC PROFESSOR PHARMACY Medicinal Chemistry $ 169,194.00 $ 59,217.90
Tenuta, Livia ASSOC PROFESSOR DENTCariologyRestor Sci &Endo $ 169,171.20 $ 89,660.74
He, Jun ASSOC PROFESSOR Dbn Col of Bus-Mgmt Studies $ 169,150.23 $ 169,150.23
Page: 7 of 35

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