List of Titles

Number of people with the title of: ASSOC PROF 1026
Maximum Salary:$ 355,494.80
Average Salary:$ 139,239.43
Minimum Salary:$ 47,200.22

2023-24 University of Michigan SalariesPage 15 of 35
Name Title Department FTR GF
Gates, Deanna ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Kinesiology $ 139,400.80 $ 111,520.64
Dasgupta, Neil P ASSOC PROFESSOR Mechanical Engineering $ 139,111.00 $ 67,329.72
Kiedrowski, Brian ASSOC PROFESSOR Nuclear Eng & Radiological Sci $ 139,085.00 $ 125,176.50
Gamarel, Kristine Elizabeth ASSOC PROFESSOR Hlth Behavior & Hlth Ed Dept $ 139,005.00 $ 6,950.25
Jansen, Robert Scott ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Sociology $ 138,995.00 $ 138,995.00
Shikanov, Ariella ASSOC PROFESSOR Biomedical Engineering $ 138,861.00 $ 90,259.65
Mehta, Geeta ASSOC PROFESSOR Materials Science & Engin. $ 138,860.00 $ 91,647.60
Mehta, Geeta Assoc Professor Biomedical Engineering $ 138,860.00 $ 34,715.00
Singh, Simone Rauscher ASSOC PROFESSOR Health Management and Policy $ 138,580.00 $ 124,722.00
Vojtek, Anne B ASSOC PROFESSOR MM Biological Chemistry Dept $ 138,577.23 $ 124,719.51
Liu, Zhongming Assoc Professor EECS - ECE Division $ 138,186.00 $ 23,491.96
Liu, Zhongming ASSOC PROFESSOR Biomedical Engineering $ 138,186.00 $ 70,475.20
Li, Gen ASSOC PROFESSOR Biostatistics Department $ 138,105.00 $ 100,968.57
Cooper, Denise Lynne ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint Nursing $ 138,096.12 $ 69,048.06
Zeisberg, Mariah A ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Political Science $ 138,020.00 $ 138,020.00
Mozafari, Barzan ASSOC PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 137,780.00 $ 137,780.00
Willingale, Louise ASSOC PROFESSOR EECS - ECE Division $ 137,582.00 $ 116,944.70
Jamin, Sugih ASSOC PROFESSOR EECS - CSE Division $ 137,553.00 $ 137,553.00
Gamba, Mirko ASSOC PROFESSOR Aerospace Engineering $ 137,316.00 $ 85,136.26
Trent, Tiffany ASSOC PROFESSOR SMTD Theatre & Drama $ 137,306.00 $ 137,306.00
Kelley, Keith James ASSOC PROFESSOR Flint School of Management $ 137,246.16 $ 137,246.16
Kerkez, Branko ASSOC PROFESSOR Civil & Environmental Engr $ 137,000.00 $ 95,900.00
Countryman, Matthew J ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA History $ 136,931.00 $ 68,465.50
Countryman, Matthew J ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA DAAS $ 136,931.00 $ 68,465.50
Manley, David ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Philosophy $ 136,829.00 $ 136,829.00
del Campo, Matias ASSOC PROFESSOR Architecture $ 136,813.00 $ 136,813.00
Eagle, Herbert J ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Slavic Languages & Lit. $ 136,795.00 $ 91,652.55
Eagle, Herbert J Assoc Professor LSA UG: Residential College $ 136,795.00 $ 45,142.30
Xiang, Xiaoling ASSOC PROFESSOR School of Social Work $ 136,638.72 $ 116,142.91
Jarman, Holly ASSOC PROFESSOR Health Management and Policy $ 136,230.00 $ 136,230.00
Page: 15 of 35

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