2023-24 University of Michigan Salaries
Name Title Department FTR GR
Hyde, Amy Louise Admin Specialist Inter Health MM Frankel CVC Patient Ed Ctr $ 73,465.09 $ 0.00
Hyde, Arthur S CLINICAL ASSOC PROF CoE Integrative Sys & Design $ 191,936.00 $ 191,936.00
Hyde, Jessica REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL D MM UH CVC 5C $ 83,616.00 $ 0.00
Hyde, Joseph Admin Asst Sr Healthcare Health Svc General Operations $ 51,351.36 $ 0.00
Hyde, Luke Williamson PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 140,379.00 $ 81,574.24
Hyde, Sara A Financial or Bus Analyst Sr MM Surgery Department $ 91,489.75 $ 0.00
Hyde, Scott Multimedia Designer CoE Communications & Marketing $ 79,310.00 $ 79,310.00
Hyde, Taylor GME Program Admin Intermediate MM Psychiatry Admin-Central $ 56,500.00 $ 0.00
Hyder, Syed HOUSE OFFICER V MM H.O. Internal Med Cardiol $ 81,890.00 $ 0.00

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