2017-18 University of Michigan Salaries
Name Title Department FTR GR
Simmons, Angel NURSE AIDE II UMH Nursing 5C Surgery $ 36,192.00 $ 0.00
Simmons, Anna Customer Service Rep Senior Univ Musical Society $ 46,663.00 $ 0.00
Simmons, Augusta Occupational Therapist UMH Northville Therapy $ 74,462.78 $ 0.00
Simmons, Barb J Endoscopy Technician UMH Med Proc Unit - Tech $ 35,045.55 $ 0.00
Simmons, Brandon A KITCHEN CLEANER MI Dining - Administration $ 34,985.60 $ 0.00
Simmons, Christopher REG NURSE - LEVEL C (B INC) UMH Cardiovascular Center 4 $ 68,702.40 $ 0.00
Simmons, David Rabern RESEARCH FELLOW LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio $ 47,500.00 $ 0.00
Simmons, Desirae Student Affairs Program Mgr LSA UG: CEAL $ 56,840.00 $ 56,840.00
Simmons, Gregory Medical Technologist Spec UMH Histocompatibility $ 69,884.30 $ 0.00
Simmons, James Cashiering Intermediate Supr Univ Parking Svcs-Medical Camp $ 48,900.28 $ 0.00
Simmons, Jennifer Marie Administrative Specialist Law School $ 58,884.00 $ 58,884.00
Simmons, Kewanna INSTRUMENT/STER PROCESSOR DENT Patient Services $ 38,168.00 $ 0.00
Simmons, Kimberly Ann Administrative Assistant Sr Utility Services $ 59,054.10 $ 0.00
Simmons, Lakisha M ASST PROFESSOR LSA History $ 83,700.00 $ 41,850.00
Simmons, Lakisha M ASST PROFESSOR LSA Women's Studies $ 83,700.00 $ 41,850.00
Simmons, Leslie Admin Specialist Assoc Health Urology $ 48,012.79 $ 0.00
Simmons, Lyle A ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Molec./Cell./Develop. Bio $ 99,137.00 $ 99,137.00
Simmons, Michelle Patient Services Associate UMH PMR OP OTPT $ 39,172.08 $ 0.00
Simmons, Piper A Info Resources Assistant Sr ICPSR - Collection Delivery $ 72,327.73 $ 0.00
Simmons, Richard Lee Respiratory Therapist UMH Resp/Cardiov Svcs $ 54,811.59 $ 0.00
Simmons, Robert Housing Ofcr/Residence Life Sr Residence Education $ 61,800.00 $ 0.00
Simmons, Shanica Customer Service Rep Inter MedEQUIP $ 36,614.17 $ 0.00
Simmons, Steven C OS Programmer Senior ITS Infra Sys Srvcs & Ops $ 85,680.00 $ 4,284.00
Simmons, Suzanne Phlebotomist UMH Path I/P Phlebotomy $ 29,863.08 $ 0.00
Simmons, Tameka Danyelle Financial Aid Admin Inter Office of Financial Aid $ 37,000.08 $ 37,000.00

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