2018-19 University of Michigan Salaries
Name Title Department FTR GR
Schmidt, Alexander Clinical Res Coordinator Hlth Int Med-Infectious Diseases $ 55,566.61 $ 27,783.30
Schmidt, Audrey M IS Director HITS DRA Administration $ 143,500.00 $ 0.00
Schmidt, Brian B PROFESSOR LSA Middle East Studies $ 91,382.00 $ 91,382.00
Schmidt, Brian Matthew CLINICAL ASST PROF Metabolism Endo - Diabetes $ 157,131.00 $ 0.00
Schmidt, Carissa RESEARCH FELLOW Hlth Behavior - Hlth Ed Dept $ 49,000.00 $ 0.00
Schmidt, Carl CLINICAL PROFESSOR Pathology Department $ 178,443.00 $ 0.00
Schmidt, Cassandra Clinic Lead UMH East AnnArborHealth Center $ 40,705.48 $ 0.00
Schmidt, Chantal Medical Assistant Associate CW OB/GYN Clinic Tech $ 32,449.04 $ 0.00
Schmidt, David G Medical Assistant UMH Int Med Pod D - Tech $ 39,109.14 $ 0.00
Schmidt, James P Business Process Tech Analyst Duderstadt Ctr Emerging Tech $ 62,077.44 $ 62,077.44
Schmidt, Jennifer RESEARCH FELLOW Life Sciences Institute-Admin $ 48,432.00 $ 0.00
Schmidt, Jennifer Training Specialist Associate Lab Animal Medicine Unit $ 44,748.02 $ 24,611.47
Schmidt, Joel Thomas LEO Lecturer III Coll of Arch - Urban Planning $ 72,961.98 $ 36,480.99
Schmidt, John P CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Pediatric Hospitalists $ 160,920.00 $ 6,436.80
Schmidt, Karen Grace Director Administration $ 148,523.00 $ 0.00
Schmidt, Kathleen E Facilities Coordinator Alumni Association $ 57,653.00 $ 0.00
Schmidt, Kathryn Research Lab Tech Intermediate LSA Ecology - Evolutionary Bio $ 34,999.90 $ 0.00
Schmidt, Kendall Dietetic Technician CW Enteral Products $ 36,768.74 $ 0.00
Schmidt, Mary Administrative Assistant Inter ISR-Director's Office $ 42,400.02 $ 0.00
Schmidt, Mary Megan CLINICAL LECTURER Physical Medicine - Rehab Dept $ 150,300.00 $ 0.00
Schmidt, Mindy L Clinical Res Coordinator Hlth O-CTSU Study Coordinator Regul $ 69,372.64 $ 0.00
Schmidt, Nicki Cont Improvement Spec Senior Performance Improvement Admin $ 117,234.54 $ 0.00
Schmidt, Patricia Lee Clin Systems Informatics Mgr UMH Nursing Informatics Admin $ 138,220.00 $ 0.00
Schmidt, Paul W Head Athletic Trainer Athletics $ 135,591.03 $ 0.00
Schmidt, Payton Claire HOUSE OFFICER V H.O. ObGyn FPMRS Fellows $ 69,996.00 $ 0.00
Schmidt, Richard J App Sys Analyst/Programmer Sr ITS Enterprise App Svcs $ 101,832.00 $ 101,832.00
Schmidt, Robin App Sys Analyst/Programmer Sr HITS COA Med Use Informat/CDS $ 81,449.91 $ 0.00
Schmidt, Sharron Exec Secretary to Sr Top Exec Ofc Provost - Exec VP Acad Aff $ 109,019.00 $ 109,019.00
Schmidt, Thomas M PROFESSOR Int Med-Infectious Diseases $ 185,047.51 $ 0.00
Schmidt, Thomas M PROFESSOR LSA Ecology - Evolutionary Bio $ 181,157.00 $ 67,933.88

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