2024-25 University of Michigan Salaries
Name Title Department FTR GR
Reddy, Archana K IS Administration & Pln Mgr MM HITS EDIS Data Foundations $ 150,647.80 $ 0.00
Reddy, Kirsten Thulin NURSE ANESTHETIST MM CW Anesthesia CRNA - Mott $ 276,232.30 $ 0.00
Reddy, Kodari Revanth Data Architect Senior MM HITS MDC MI DATA COLLAB $ 115,000.00 $ 0.00
Reddy, Madhavi CLINICAL ASSOC PROF Urban Planning $ 93,600.00 $ 46,800.00
Reddy, Marisa Rehabilitation Technician MM PT & OT Clinic - Canton $ 32,788.08 $ 0.00
Reddy, Megan Marie REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C MM Ambulatory Care Services $ 100,068.80 $ 0.00
Reddy, Mohan App Sys Analyst/Programmer Sr MM HITS BusIT Svc Ops Support $ 100,494.65 $ 0.00
Reddy, Nitya CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR MM Anesthesiology Department $ 210,000.00 $ 0.00
Reddy, Rishindra PROFESSOR MM Thoracic Surgery Section $ 250,000.00 $ 0.00
Reddy, Satya Research Lab Specialist Inter MM Pathology Department $ 78,265.20 $ 0.00
Reddy, Sonali Malavi HOUSE OFFICER II MM H.O. Vascular Surg Core $ 75,166.00 $ 0.00
Reddy, Vinai Yeruva HOUSE OFFICER III MM H.O. PM&R Core $ 78,173.00 $ 0.00

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