2022-23 University of Michigan Salaries
Name Title Department FTR GR
Preston, Ellis STOCKKEEPER I MM Mat'l Mgmt - Warehouse Ops $ 41,537.60 $ 0.00
Preston, Jeri Cust Svc Inter Supr Consumer Campus Information Centers $ 52,000.00 $ 52,000.00
Preston, Marie Inpatient Unit Clerk MM CW Clerical Services $ 35,958.41 $ 0.00
Preston, Patricia Research Administrator Inter Administrative Core $ 70,175.00 $ 0.00
Preston, Stephanie Ophthalmic Technician Assoc MM KEC Cornea $ 47,318.73 $ 0.00
Preston, Stephanie D PROFESSOR LSA Psychology $ 129,689.00 $ 129,689.00
Preston, Tara L Administrative Assistant Sr Athletics $ 62,887.50 $ 0.00
Preston, Yolanda RN CASE MANAGER COMPETENT-NE MM ACU Unallocated $ 120,452.80 $ 0.00
Preston, Yume PA Critical Care MM Pulmonary IP NPP Service $ 130,737.00 $ 0.00

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