2019-20 University of Michigan Salaries
Name Title Department FTR GR
Paul, Alyssa Clinical Res Coordinator Hlth Clin Trials Unit-Childrens-CCT $ 53,823.60 $ 0.00
Paul, Ara G PROFESSOR EMERITUS/A College of Pharmacy $ 180,000.01 $ 54,000.00
Paul, Bruce Chaplain Hlth UMH Spiritual Care $ 40,458.42 $ 0.00
Paul, Cynthia P LEO Lecturer II Dbn CASL-Natural Sciences $ 49,091.62 $ 49,091.62
Paul, Dorasy REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C UMH 9C $ 73,611.20 $ 0.00
Paul, Sophia Kathryn Project Intermediate Manager Sch for Environ and Sustain $ 56,500.00 $ 0.00
Paul, Stacey Training Specialist Inter Centralized Scope Processing $ 66,543.98 $ 0.00
Paul, Thomas J RESEARCH FELLOW LSA Chemistry $ 48,000.00 $ 0.00
Paul, Travis Patient Care Tech Associate UMH 7A-1 $ 31,283.93 $ 0.00
Paul-Gillette, Jason PSYCH CARE WORKER CW 8ECP $ 45,240.00 $ 0.00
Paulauski, Margaret A Physician Asst Surg Subspec T2 UMH MedSport Dominos Pro $ 116,828.26 $ 0.00
Paulauski, Mike Physical Therapist Assistant UMH MedSport Dominos Tech $ 64,939.56 $ 0.00
Paulauskis, Joseph Administrative Dir Healthcare Rsch Strategic Plan Wk Streams $ 150,764.69 $ 0.00
Pauley, Karl A PAT VISIT ENT ATTENDANT UMH Entrance Services $ 38,396.80 $ 0.00
Pauley, Mary Kay Facilities Coordinator/Manager HR Strategy & Planning $ 74,880.00 $ 37,440.00
Paulin, Patricia L REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL D UMH TC Administration $ 107,868.80 $ 0.00
Pauling, Sarah International Educ Advisor LSA UG: CGIS $ 51,155.00 $ 51,155.00
Paulino, Lynda REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C Michigan Visiting Nurse Assoc $ 96,408.00 $ 0.00
Paull, Sally Reigle REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C UMH MedSport Dominos Pro $ 104,145.60 $ 0.00
Paulsen, Adam REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C CW 10E - PICU $ 81,598.40 $ 0.00
Paulsen, Amanda REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C UMH Nursing 5D SICU $ 67,204.80 $ 0.00
Paulsen, Gennifer REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C CW 10W - PCTU $ 96,408.00 $ 0.00
Paulsen, Michelle Tenbroeke Research Lab Specialist Inter Radiation Oncology - Can Bio $ 60,600.05 $ 0.00
Paulsen, Tamra Inpatient Unit Clerk UMH Nursing Clerical Services $ 35,067.64 $ 0.00
Paulson, Henry L PROFESSOR Neurology Department $ 220,000.00 $ 9,614.00
Paulson, Lauren REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C CW 10W - PCTU $ 66,872.00 $ 0.00
Paulson, Mary Ellen Administrative Specialist SRC-Administration $ 84,626.46 $ 0.00
Paulson, Sarah Buss PROFESSOR LSA Philosophy $ 159,188.00 $ 159,188.00
Paulson, William R PROFESSOR LSA Romance Languages & Lit. $ 131,566.00 $ 65,783.00
Paulus, Mary Office Manager Merit Network $ 71,400.95 $ 0.00

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Paul, Call Center Rep I MM
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choi, Benefits Clerk Intermediate LSA
L, M End User Computing Spec Photo
LI, GEN Storage Engineer Lead Sch for Environ and Sustain
goff, r Physician Asst Surg Subspec T1 lsa math
glinski, Customer Service Manager MM PM
H, Carrie Electrical Eng Staff Spec UMH Pathology Satellite Supp
reid, Risk Mgmt Cons Healthcare Psych Admi0
Barnes, Roy C Patient Financial C WAA Radiology3

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