2005-06 University of Michigan Salaries
Name Title Department FTR GR
Newman, Beth Ann Admin Asst Inter Healthcare Emergency Medicine $ 37,595.22 $ 37,595.22
Newman, Carolyn J Instructional Learning Inter ITCS-Info Tech Central Srvs $ 54,556.96 $ 0.00
Newman, Charles H ADJUNCT CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR College of Pharmacy $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Newman, Charles H Clinical Pharmacist UMH Inpatient Pharmacy Svcs $ 91,052.00 $ 0.00
Newman, Erika L HOUSE OFFICER V UMH H.O. Core Surgery $ 51,012.00 $ 0.00
Newman, Kevin Douglas HEAVY EQUIP MECHANIC Transportation Services $ 47,840.00 $ 0.00
Newman, Kevin M Employee Relations Rep Senior UMHS Human Resources $ 62,645.63 $ 0.00
Newman, Lisa A ASSOC PROFESSOR General Surgery Section $ 195,000.00 $ 9,750.00
Newman, Luanne Marie Radiologic Technologist UMH Radiology Mott $ 50,289.72 $ 0.00
Newman, Marcela Paola ADJUNCT CLINICAL LECTURER CariologyRestor Sci - Endo $ 42,636.00 $ 8,527.20
Newman, Mark E ASSOC PROFESSOR LSA Physics $ 91,000.00 $ 91,000.00
Newman, Megan Christine Histology Technician UMH Surg/Necropsy Path $ 34,473.14 $ 0.00
Newman, Meshach H CLINICAL PROFESSOR Plastic Surgery Section $ 159,438.00 $ 0.00
Newman, Sarah Winans ASSOC DEAN Graduate School Administration $ 110,000.00 $ 55,000.00
Newman, Sarah Winans PROFESSOR EMERITUS/A Cell and Developmental Biology $ 110,000.00 $ 27,500.00
Newman, Scott U ATHLETIC COACH - DBN Dbn Athletics - Recreation $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Newman, Sharri D Project Manager Flint Service Learning $ 44,393.00 $ 35,514.40
Newman, Stewart S CHIEF RESIDENT UMH H.O. Fellows Psychiatry $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Newman, Stewart S HOUSE OFFICER V UMH H.O. Fellows Psychiatry $ 51,012.00 $ 0.00
Newman, Traci A Medical Assistant Specialist UMH Ob/Gyn OP Service Prof $ 27,489.02 $ 0.00
Newman, Valerie R ADJUNCT CLIN ASST PROFESSOR Law School $ 64,000.00 $ 16,000.00

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