2024-25 University of Michigan Salaries
Name Title Department FTR GR
McGlashen, Erin Customer Service Assistant Sr MMAA MealsonWheels -Operating $ 47,250.02 $ 0.00
McGlone, Chelsea REGISTERED NURSE - LEVEL C MM Operating Rooms - CVC $ 93,433.60 $ 0.00
McGlone, Jonathan SR ASSOC LIBR LEO-GLAM Mich Publishing-Technology $ 85,340.39 $ 85,340.39
McGlothian, Odell OS Programmer Senior Dbn Information Technology Svc $ 94,742.50 $ 94,742.50
McGlothin, Julie Ultrasound Technologist MM Cancer Center RAD $ 92,479.76 $ 0.00

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